Digital Igloo (Eric Klein, YGG)

An idea I had after you talked about patents (nothing really new I know). As Line6, Bösendorfer, Ampeg, Steinberg are Yamaha Corporation brands. Can Line6 imagine a VST reading based modeler / multi effect ? Imagine a platypus modeler for guitar and bass players, keyboardists, singers... with embedded Helix Native, and talkboxes / vocoders from 3rd party companies... I guess Yamaha and Line6 have a strong back for such a project.
Muse Research did Receptor 2 + a few years ago, in 2011. It was a 2 TB drive / 8 GB memory / 3.3 Ghz Dual-Core Intel processor based machine. And Trio :
I went to test the other G50 I had, the one I just got back from a warranty repair and the LCD screen is dead again. 2nd time I tried it. What in the world is going on with these things?
No idea. It's exceedingly rare for these things to happen, so maybe there's something going on with your rig? I'm not in Customer Service so my advice would be to open a ticket; they'll be able to figure it out and if not, they'll take care of ya'.
An idea I had after you talked about patents (nothing really new I know). As Line6, Bösendorfer, Ampeg, Steinberg are Yamaha Corporation brands. Can Line6 imagine a VST reading based modeler / multi effect ? Imagine a platypus modeler for guitar and bass players, keyboardists, singers... with embedded Helix Native, and talkboxes / vocoders from 3rd party companies... I guess Yamaha and Line6 have a strong back for such a project.
We'll have occasional meetings with Steinberg but we're all so focused on our collective projects, it's difficult to find opportunities to collaborate. Bösendorfer doesn't really do digital. We are Ampeg, so that one's much easier. Unfortunately, the 50th Anniversary SVT model used in SVT Suite is too big to fit in Helix. But man, we tried, because that jumped channel is the best-sounding rock bass tone I've ever heard.
Muse Research did Receptor 2 + a few years ago, in 2011. It was a 2 TB drive / 8 GB memory / 3.3 Ghz Dual-Core Intel processor based machine. And Trio :
I wanted a Muse Receptor long before Peavey acquired them but could never justify the purchase. Knew a guy who worked at Open Labs and it's been a while, but IIRC, their biggest issue was keeping up with the speed at which the computer industry changes. That and presumably, there just weren't enough users willing to pay a 2-3x premium to effectively smoosh a computer, MIDI keyboard, and audio interface into a single chassis that wasn't exactly portable or stage-friendly. Or easily upgradeable!

I'm sure copy protection would be a huge mess too. "Hey Line 6 Customer Service, I'm trying to install iZotope Ozone onto my Helix 3000 XL Plus Extreme and it's saying I'm not registered. iZotope won't help because it's not a Mac or PC."

Quite a few bands who don't want laptops appearing on stage are now rack mounting dual redundant Mac Minis (or Mac Studios) with Blackmagicdesign monitors and iConnectivity PlayAUDIO12 interfaces (or multiple interfaces du jour with a Radial SW8). That way, if one computer goes down, the other seamlessly takes over, often without the band even noticing.
the crazy thing is, if I finally get this ELK OS thing to run vsts, you know what VST I'm going to run on it?

Helix Native!

Aside from not being able to perfectly clone some certain amp sounds, this plugin is doing pretty much anything I need for guitar and bass
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Eric: With the cab update. I see a lot of stock settings have changed when scrolling through amp+cabs.

Its interesting, I find that everything sound pretty good and its easy to swift through and find an "amp tone" by ear and not eyes. A very welcome detail imo.

How much time went into finding "good" stock settings and which people were doing that? Beta testers and L6 people?

Also, the IR part of the story. So a bunch of IRs were sorted out and curated. What was the thought process behind where the focus need to be?
Was it like “every IR need to sound good”?
Or more like:
“The possibility of not so good sounding positions needs to be there too”?
For example, Justin Yorks says that every mix and file is curated to be useable (hence also the possibility that most files sound almost the same with very small variations)

Would be cool with some three fiddy stories when you have the time :giggle:
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Eric: With the cab update. I see a lot of stock settings have changed when scrolling through amp+cabs.

Its interesting, I find that everything sound pretty good and its easy to swift through and find an "amp tone" by ear and not eyes. A very welcome detail imo.

How much time went into finding "good" stock settings and which people were doing that? Beta testers and L6 people?
Igor is one of Helix's lead firmware engineers. He mastered my record and just finished a run as Animals As Leaders' FOH engineer. (Yes, YGG lets us do stuff like that.) His ears are impeccable. He did most of the Metallurgy and high gain presets/defaults and Ben, Sam, Andy, and others do the mid-gain and low gain presets/defaults. I'd do some myself but am in the middle of rebuilding my studio.
Also, the IR part of the story. So a bunch of IRs were sorted out and curated. What was the thought process behind where the focus need to be? Was it like “every IR need to sound good”? Or more like: “The possibility of not so good sounding positions needs to be there too”?
For example, Justin Yorks says that every mix and file is curated to be useable (hence also the possibility that most files sound almost the same with very small variations)
Sound Design did a lot of critical listening. Different mic pres, different A/D converters, and notably more mics than the ones we landed on. The Neumann U47 was backordered, which delayed things quite a bit. Some mics performed better than we thought they might and others disappointed, so we ditched them. I totally get the "choose from these curated IRs to get something great right away" approach to IRs, but it'd be weird for us to purposely omit certain angles or positions for mics that don't happen to inspire us personally, because they may be perfect for someone else. It's simply a different approach.

The one big advantage of curated IRs are multi mic mixes. Some really great sounding stuff out there.
Would be cool with some three fiddy stories when you have the time :giggle:
When we decided to label it "3.50" instead of "3.20," we were going to drop by TGP an hour before release and say "Sorry, guys. It doesn't look like 3.20 is gonna happen, at least anytime in the near future. We'll have more information soon." But then the 3.5 leak happened.

This is why we can't have nice things.
About CAB IRs,
I wonder how long it takes to modelize one cab ?
We guess Line6 team used a "robot" to capture the 24 cabs.
(And maybe we'll see more cabs one day, but that's another story...)
Hello DI, say is this a possibility @ YGG ? i mean yes anything is possible, but has there ever been any discussion or plans ?

Catalyst "FRFR" ---> --> remove all Modelling, add a tweeter and a XLR Input, put a tilt stand, close the back, add a port in the front, keep bass treble and presence (room shaping) and keep ~ same price as 100watt Catalyst, would be a serious contender in the "FRFR" market below $400 USD range maybe Even offer a 60 watt 10 Inch for even Less, market it as a Entry level "FRFR" plastic PA Killer,
something like we have a Toyota and we also have a lexus (Powercab Plus) :idk

Hello DI, say is this a possibility @ YGG ? i mean yes anything is possible, but has there ever been any discussion or plans ?

Catalyst "FRFR" ---> --> remove all Modelling, add a tweeter and a XLR Input, put a tilt stand, close the back, add a port in the front, keep bass treble and presence (room shaping) and keep ~ same price as 100watt Catalyst, would be a serious contender in the "FRFR" market below $400 USD range maybe Even offer a 60 watt 10 Inch for even Less, market it as a Entry level "FRFR" plastic PA Killer,
something like we have a Toyota and we also have a lexus (Powercab Plus) :idk

They could call it Powercab. That has a great ring to it.