Digital Igloo (Eric Klein, YGG)

@Digital Igloo any chance you could ask product development to look at trim pots or some way for the Line 6 wireless systems to handle louder pickups? Seems quite an oversight given how many of Line6's customers use EMGs for instance
Are the transmitters clipping or something? I don't have much purview into wireless-land; was under the impression that they had sufficient headroom.
Say DI, who is in charge for the design choices for the new Revstar II line up?
I have a question about the 2023 snowmobile line.
You'll be snow blown away...
Yamaha Corporation Japan, I think ?
Indeed. Sorry; WAY too many acronyms 'round these parts: PID, TRD, PTR, SAT, YCJ, YCE, YCA, YGG, YMMV...
Yup, the red clip light goes on on the receiver and it especially audible on things like the acoustic sim
This is what I received from our Lead Tester for Wireless:
Unfortunately, if the user is encountering clipping with a certain instrument, then that instrument may be an outlier. If he wants to continue using that instrument with the wireless gear, he may need to figure out a way to attenuate it (e.g., adding a pad inline or turning down his volume pot).
I also spoke briefly with [electrical engineer]. He mentioned that the Relay transmitters should handle 6.25 Vpk-pk and it's exceedingly rare for guitars to output higher than 6 Vpk-pk.
May not be the answer you were looking for.
This is what I received from our Lead Tester for Wireless:
Unfortunately, if the user is encountering clipping with a certain instrument, then that instrument may be an outlier. If he wants to continue using that instrument with the wireless gear, he may need to figure out a way to attenuate it (e.g., adding a pad inline or turning down his volume pot).
I also spoke briefly with [electrical engineer]. He mentioned that the Relay transmitters should handle 6.25 Vpk-pk and it's exceedingly rare for guitars to output higher than 6 Vpk-pk.
May not be the answer you were looking for.

I’ve always seen the output spec on emg 81s to max out around 4.5V. So should be well within the range of your wireless stuff.

That’s weird. Even the stock Ibanez passives turn red on the relay. If someone tries it please let me known if theirs doesn’t.
For the record, I have guitars with emg 707s, emg 81, emg 85 and Duncan blackouts. All of these make the red clipping LED go on. I have a thread at TGP about a weird sound some of the relays I’ve tried make but I want to isolate it further before bugging them.

I’d love to hear from any other EMG player that has a relay on whether or not theirs lights up red.

@Digital Igloo did they happen to say at what voltage level the clipping LED should come on?
I’ve always seen the output spec on emg 81s to max out around 4.5V. So should be well within the range of your wireless stuff.

And that is a big outlier itself. I saw that 4.5v in the EMG specs but with my fluke I couldn’t get it much past 1800 milivolts
For the record, I have guitars with emg 707s, emg 81, emg 85 and Duncan blackouts. All of these make the red clipping LED go on. I have a thread at TGP about a weird sound some of the relays I’ve tried make but I want to isolate it further before bugging them.

I’d love to hear from any other EMG player that has a relay on whether or not theirs lights up red.

@Digital Igloo did they happen to say at what voltage level the clipping LED should come on?
Not sure, but are you hearing clipping? If not, I wouldn't worry too much about it. If you're audibly noticing clipping from a variety of guitars, then that sounds like a service issue; sorry.
Not sure, but are you hearing clipping? If not, I wouldn't worry too much about it. If you're audibly noticing clipping from a variety of guitars, then that sounds like a service issue; sorry.
If it's just an led blinking; I would probably move on to the next problem and call it good.
Its not so much clipping as some weird artifact that happens dynamically anytime the red light goes on, even on quiet passives, here is an audio example

Here is a recording from the Line 6 Relay G50, though it also happens on the G30, the Joyo JW-03 and the Lekato 5.8ghz wirelesses (the last two also make obvious clipping distortion under even moderately high gain pickups like the Dimarzio PAF).

First is a cable plugged in and then an EMG with the wireless and then a quieter passive pickup with the wireless.

Dialing in even the shortest cable tone on the Line 6 Relay changes the highs a bit but the weird chatter sound is still there.

Hello mr Klein "the guitar Guru".
This is not a request, but just rebooting an old debate : profiles. I was vaguely against the idea about adding profiling technology to Helix family.
Helix provides a lot of good amp models and to me, profiling was/is Kemper's or Overloud THU's niche. But profiles are a bit like Impulse Responses and Helix uses IRs for ages. I may have changed my mind since IK released ToneX and now, I don't know what to think. Profiles have that "little something", so what would be the benefit of adding a profile reading module in Helix ?
• Presets are only a few Ko and profiles give a lot of "exotic" tones (rather different from already excellent models like Ventoux for eg.)
• Profilers are coming from everyday amps and gear owners (and they are happy to share for free) and also pro vendors like Jason Sadites are in.
I realized that Line6 community is huge and customtone is a goldmine for presets. So could this segment -profiling- be great for Helix community ?
Have a nice day.
@the-trooper ha ha (the-trooper 1-1 zib).
I don't care that much about gui, so it is great as is to me. I can understand if one prefers knobs to sliders or sliders to knobs.
Yes I assume my "profile" topic is heavier than your "knobs vs sliders" topics :giggle:.
Oh, I forgot, both dill and sweet pickles, piccalilli and halloumi cheese grilled are welcome.
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Hello mr Klein "the guitar Guru".
Oh, I'm a total hack on guitar.
This is not a request, but just rebooting an old debate : profiles. I was vaguely against the idea about adding profiling technology to Helix family. Helix provides a lot of good amp models and to me, profiling was/is Kemper's or Overloud THU's niche. But profiles are a bit like Impulse Responses and Helix uses IRs for ages. I may have changed my mind since IK released ToneX and now, I don't know what to think.
A lot of people think I'm somehow against profiling. Far from it—I think Christoph Kemper is a genius and his tech is awesome. We hang out at NAMM and he and his team even visited YGG a few years ago.

I'm just of the opinion that if someone other than Kemper is going to embrace profiling (ideally after Christoph's patent has lapsed), they should give credit where credit's due and not spout self-serving nonsense like "Look how innovative we are!"
Profiles have that "little something", so what would be the benefit of adding a profile reading module in Helix?
Not sure how we'd be able to read and load another company's profiles without collaborating with them directly and/or licensing their IP. If we were to make a profiling engine (the math is well established, we've spent a lot of time understanding the processes, and we know what we'd do to differentiate ourselves), users would likely have to do the captures themselves.
Oh, I forgot, both dill and sweet pickles, piccalilli and halloumi cheese grilled are welcome.
Grilled halloumi is heaven.
I did a bunch of tests this morning with some interesting results! The chatter noise from the Relay G50 actually appears when given just a test tone as well. I also tried a joyo wireless and a Lekato on this video. Not shown but also tested was the Relay G30, which had the same issues as the G50, just a lot worse

I went to test the other G50 I had, the one I just got back from a warranty repair and the LCD screen is dead again. 2nd time I tried it. What in the world is going on with these things?