Chronicles of a Mesa Boogie Fillmore 50 combo


Deal was too good to ignore. Should be here by Friday. I'm really excited about this one.


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I have a 50 combo, but in the default black on black finish. It’s e great little amp, and despite its shared lineage with the Mark Series is actually straightforward to dial in. The tone stack is still interactive, just not to the same extent that the Marks are.
Fantastic amp, love them. If Cliff at FAS gave me pick of just two amps to model, it would be the BL and Fillmore 50, without hesitation.
Former Fillmore 50 owner here. Cloned channels is :chef

It's a great amp for those looking for a quasi-Fender style pedal platform. I
didn't love the Gain on it. Clean to EOB is tasty as all get out, though.

Having a few vintage Fender amps it was a but redundant here. :idk
What paisley said. I want to hype the Cloned Channels thing. They
are essentially two identically voiced channels, but you can vary
them as they have independent EQ, Gain, and Reverb.
I prefer the Tweed modes on the TA-30 and the Mark V amps. :idk You can more approximate
the flub and bloat of a Tweed amp. Tad more of that top-end glassy sparkle a Tweed has, too.

Fillmore is great, though. Best Mesa Tweed is, no doubt, in the Cali Tweed amps. I could see me grabbing
one of those someday. :chef