Metallica tones with a Mesa Boogie Quad into a Rectifier Stereo 2:100 (added dual tracked clip)



Metallica tones from a Mesa Boogie Quad into a Rectifier Stereo 2:100. It’s not perfect and I’m in D# tuning. But you could definitely play some Metallica with this rig. Also, do note that the amp is not boosted with an OD or an EQ, and this is not a Mark IIC+ slaved into a JCM800 by any stretch! I’m also using Dynacab IRs on the Axe FXIII, which I didn’t have to pay for.
Went with completely different IRs for a dual tracked clip. The settings were also changed. And the tuning is also different: on the single tracked clip, it's in D# and in the dual tracked clip, Drop D.

Guitars are also different. Dual tracked clip has my Aristides 060 with Seymour Duncan Alpha Omegas in it. Single tracked clip has my ESP E-II MK-I with Fishman Fluences in it.

Right on! Which combination did you like the best?

Thank you!

No idea at all! I think the single tracked guitar recording suffered from sub-par settings and IR. The dual tracked one had much better settings on the amp and also a better IR.

Just to give a feel of the amp in the room, I did this recording. It is just a room mic, but I think it captured the essence of the dual tracked guitar setting I was using:

Thank you!

No idea at all! I think the single tracked guitar recording suffered from sub-par settings and IR. The dual tracked one had much better settings on the amp and also a better IR.

Just to give a feel of the amp in the room, I did this recording. It is just a room mic, but I think it captured the essence of the dual tracked guitar setting I was using:

That lead 1 sounds so sick. Straight up early Hetfield in a box. This makes me miss my studio preamp so much.
Yeah, it's a pretty sweet amp! I think the problem with me is that I am hung up on metal, but this thing can do so much more.
Totally agree. Rhythm 1 has some of the nicest “blackface on steroids” cleans and edge of breakup tones you can get. Similarly, Lead 1 can do incredible mid gain tones too. Def not a one trick pony.