Blackstar interface


the office no GIF
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So, any word on the latency numbers of this thing?
Without a dedicated driver, expect terrible.

The "enhance" thing sounds like something you don't need if you have a proper Hi-Z input on audio interface. Otherwise the feature set is something you can get in a good chunk cheaper product.
The fine folks at Blackstar didn‘t publish any relevant technical data, just their moronic marketing mumbo jumbo.
For a mostly highly "technically educated" (some not, but more than other electrical instruments) posse like guitarists it surely is all too much "This is amazing" and not enough "This is amazing BECAUSE ...".
Without a dedicated driver, expect terrible.

The "enhance" thing sounds like something you don't need if you have a proper Hi-Z input on audio interface. Otherwise the feature set is something you can get in a good chunk cheaper product.
Features nobody asked for. Getting "Did the Silicin Valley reinvent the bus again" vibes. Who needs this stuff, when you can just build high quality stuff, that doesn't have to rely on any "weird features".
10dBu is definitely something I’d clip with humbuckers, and 500k Ω is enough to do unwanted stuff to pickups.

The only reason someone would buy this is through some kind of weird brand loyalty. A Focusrite/Audient/SSL/UA/Arturia/MOTU interface is just miles more appealing for anyone in this category
View attachment 2491010dBu is definitely something I’d clip with humbuckers, and 500k Ω is enough to do unwanted stuff to pickups.

The only reason someone would buy this is through some kind of weird brand loyalty. A Focusrite/Audient/SSL/UA/Arturia/MOTU interface is just miles more appealing for anyone in this category
Huh, yesterday these specs weren't visible on the product page.
Good: specs are now visible
Bad: the specs
We’re Blackstar and we’re here to sell you this super cool thing that will make your rockstar dreams a reality beyond imagining in ways that realists who don’t imagine being rockstars could never imagine.

And, best of all! This wonderful, life-changing thing that will make your dreams come true, won’t require any tech support drama when it breaks - once you encounter it no longer working for no apparent reason, simply throw it in the trash and buy a replacement from one of our competitors who actually build stuff to last. Simple as that.

Thanks for your support of our non-support!