Bad or good dad award??

lord of the rings eating GIF
My first PG13 movie was FoTR with my dad. I was in first or second grade, so just about your daughter's age. That'll be a great memory, and if she really wants to experience the story in another way, I will always plug the LoTR audiobooks narrated by Andy Serkis.
Sorry bad Dad. One movie isn't enough because you're supposed to start chronology binging the whole epic, including the Hobbit, at noon and not stop until Frodo takes his little boat ride with Bilbo. This way, the post traumatic disorders your child will experience will go away faster.
I was talking to a friend this week about marathoning the extended editions. I don't think I'd make it longer than 45 minutes these days, but I did it a few times when the extended edition of RTOTK was released. Man, I dunno how I made it, I used to smoke blunt after blunt back then.
Good dad

It's break, not a big deal as a one off. Not really an issue for us, our kids just fall asleep like I do lol.
First thing she says to me this morning, "can we watch the 2nd one?" :rofl
As long as you keep her away from the hard stuff, aka the Hobbit movies.

But seriously, if she wants to watch the Hobbit, acquire one of the 4 hour fan cuts. The building blocks are all there, greedy execs just stretched it out to way too many movies.