AxeFx vs tube amp / can you hear the difference?

Let me hear your thoughts!!
I use Helix exclusively - and play about 240 dates a year between a Cover Band and a Original Band - of the presets I use I doubt anyone - even the most bat eared influencer - can tell what I’m using - some people might be able to tell in Isolation - maybe - but I’ve tweaked my settings and matched IRs to the point that you can’t tell - but then again I’m playing all the time s0 maybe don’t have time to ponder the mystical tones.
To be on topic; I went back and forth over the weekend with the Multiwatt and V30 212 and the III and LX into the same cab. Both experiences were godlike in their own ways but equally satisfying :satan :guiness :satan

Yup. Dead conversation and debate is dead long time now.

But we can Defib that shit and give it CPR. As many continue to. :whistle :rofl
I still think a great Gear Satire YT Channel is way overdue. Waaaay overdue.

We are such easy marks. :LOL:
I use Helix exclusively - and play about 240 dates a year between a Cover Band and a Original Band - of the presets I use I doubt anyone - even the most bat eared influencer - can tell what I’m using - some people might be able to tell in Isolation - maybe - but I’ve tweaked my settings and matched IRs to the point that you can’t tell - but then again I’m playing all the time s0 maybe don’t have time to ponder the mystical tones.

BUT do YOU feel it?

I Feel Good Reggaeton GIF by Pitbull
I couldn’t be arsed to make a video. Okay, I actually didn’t even play them side by side. Because I, like everyone else on this forum except poor merciful, already did all that shit years ago and just don’t care.

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Why not put your modeler into this>>

Why not put your modeler into this>>

Because my modeler sounds great and a 20 watt tube power amp is going to add massive amounts of unwanted coloration to it at anything above "enough to cover the acoustic sound of a solid body electric" volume.
here’s I test I did years ago.

Prerecorded DI track into 4 poweramps, at conversationlevel, recorded through the same cab/mic setup. (Large diafragm comdesor) So the only variable is the poweramp…and a wee bit of normalising.

1 soilidstate, 2 6l6, 1 el34 poweramp.
Good luck ;)

To be on topic; I went back and forth over the weekend with the Multiwatt and V30 212 and the III and LX into the same cab. Both experiences were godlike in their own ways but equally satisfying :satan :guiness :satan
I couldn't agree more. Don't care what Cliff and the rest say, when I play my Stealth (or almost any of my amps) through a cab, and then my Axe3 or FM9 through a power amp and cab, there is a tone, girth (hey now), and feel. Even when I go through the amp head's return to use the power amp section, there is a difference. But I can get excellent satisfying tones out of either in a mix, by itself, or recording. For ease of use and FM9 is my go to. Gotta add...the FM9 4CM into my EVH or Mesa head is probably the best overall!