AxeFx vs tube amp / can you hear the difference?

here’s I test I did years ago.

Prerecorded DI track into 4 poweramps, at conversationlevel, recorded through the same cab/mic setup. (Large diafragm comdesor) So the only variable is the poweramp…and a wee bit of normalising.

1 soilidstate, 2 6l6, 1 el34 poweramp.
Good luck ;)

i like the 1st 2 samples of the 1st 2 examples.
I couldn't agree more. Don't care what Cliff and the rest say, when I play my Stealth (or almost any of my amps) through a cab, and then my Axe3 or FM9 through a power amp and cab, there is a tone, girth (hey now), and feel. Even when I go through the amp head's return to use the power amp section, there is a difference. But I can get excellent satisfying tones out of either in a mix, by itself, or recording. For ease of use and FM9 is my go to. Gotta add...the FM9 4CM into my EVH or Mesa head is probably the best overall!

This is what I am struggling with - it’s been a long time since I owned a real amp - 5150 back in the day. So, I have no real amp frame of reference, but when I load up a 6505/5150 model in the Axe FX3 with my LX-II and Mesa 2x12, I find I have to use extreme EQ settings for it to not be a flubby and yet bright - at the same time - mess. When I listen to YT vids showing 5150 amp settings (classic 6/6/6 BMT for instance) there is no way I could use similar settings for my setup. I am getting closer, but I am now having to use such extreme EQ settings that I would have never even thought of. Also, there are few, if any YT channels with tips, etc with tube power amp and cab and a modeler. I will be the first to admit user error.
Imagine my surprise when I got to the point where I don’t care about the extra 5% from a tube amp! I just don’t. I don’t care anymore.

Film Field GIF
This is what I am struggling with - it’s been a long time since I owned a real amp - 5150 back in the day. So, I have no real amp frame of reference, but when I load up a 6505/5150 model in the Axe FX3 with my LX-II and Mesa 2x12, I find I have to use extreme EQ settings for it to not be a flubby and yet bright - at the same time - mess. When I listen to YT vids showing 5150 amp settings (classic 6/6/6 BMT for instance) there is no way I could use similar settings for my setup. I am getting closer, but I am now having to use such extreme EQ settings that I would have never even thought of. Also, there are few, if any YT channels with tips, etc with tube power amp and cab and a modeler. I will be the first to admit user error.
Modelers may not be perfect, but the difference should be in the “preference” range with that power amp and cab, not “hot mess” territory.
I love having "lack of headroom" slathered over my guitar tone :love:guiness
Well, you should if you're using your modeler as a preamp without it's power amp "sim" with guitar cabs, as long as the SPL limitations aren't a problem.

Regardless, you can't get realer than the real-deal.

Your friends...

The Toobians

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Well, you should if you're using your modeler as a preamp without it's power amp "sim" with guitar cabs, as long as the SPL limitations aren't a problem.

Regardless, you can't get realer than the real-deal. your friends...

The Toobians

Meh. A 20 watt el84 power amp isn't any closer to "the real deal" for most amps in a modeler than whatever the digital modeler is kicking out for them.

I've got a Crazy Tube Circuits White Whale Real Deal spring reverb that is what I thought it was probably going to be when I bought it -- a compromised "real" spring reverb that obvious sounds like a "real spring reverb" because it is, but doesn't sound much like what I'm actually trying to sound like and is neither as versatile nor as accurate to what I'm shooting for than the spring reverb algorithms in the AxeFx III.
Meh. A 20 watt el84 power amp isn't any closer to "the real deal" for most amps in a modeler than whatever the digital modeler is kicking out for them.

I've got a Crazy Tube Circuits White Whale Real Deal spring reverb that is what I thought it was probably going to be when I bought it -- a compromised "real" spring reverb that obvious sounds like a "real spring reverb" because it is, but doesn't sound much like what I'm actually trying to sound like and is neither as versatile nor as accurate to what I'm shooting for than the spring reverb algorithms in the AxeFx III.

I periodically use my Axe FX as a preamp with a Mesa 20/20 power amp, but I don’t try to make it sound ‘exactly’ like anything specifically. I just turn knobs and push buttons until it sounds cool.
I periodically use my Axe FX as a preamp with a Mesa 20/20 power amp, but I don’t try to make it sound ‘exactly’ like anything specifically. I just turn knobs and push buttons until it sounds cool.
Honestly, in this day and age, getting bad sound is harder than getting good sound. I'm sure there are plenty of good sounds to be had using the Mooer.
This is what I am struggling with - it’s been a long time since I owned a real amp - 5150 back in the day. So, I have no real amp frame of reference, but when I load up a 6505/5150 model in the Axe FX3 with my LX-II and Mesa 2x12, I find I have to use extreme EQ settings for it to not be a flubby and yet bright - at the same time - mess. When I listen to YT vids showing 5150 amp settings (classic 6/6/6 BMT for instance) there is no way I could use similar settings for my setup. I am getting closer, but I am now having to use such extreme EQ settings that I would have never even thought of. Also, there are few, if any YT channels with tips, etc with tube power amp and cab and a modeler. I will be the first to admit user error.

I am curious about any cuts (Hi and Lo) you are, or are not, employing in the Fractal's Cab Block. :idk