Im digging your thoughts coming at it from a Helix perspective. I haven’t gone into Helix land beyond the HXFX. I’m primarily coming at it from Neural World. (QC - Plugs) Maybe I need to dig into a Helix variant to end this for once and all.
I spent some time today with the QC to give Control a spin, after spending the week with the FM3.
Interestingly I think amp modeling is a big advantage for Fractal, but not purely from some quality perspective. Some of the Neural models are really good. I was messing with Marshall’s primarily on it, and they didn’t really jump out to me as some clearly inferior models. (There is a touch of cut and clarity with Fractal I really dig) Where Fractal really edges them though is the sheer amount of amps, and the ridiculously high quality they all have. Consistency is fantastic. The Neural models are
somewhat inconsistent in quality. I think that’s largely a remnant from a rushed launch, though they’ve gone back and selectively updated some of the clear misses.
Where Fractal absolutely destroys the QC is in effects. Not marginally either. Like, bend over and grab your ankles, this will not be fun, I am not your king.

I spent a little time today with a clean patch on the QC and while there are some functional effects, they are not anywhere close to as impressive and immersive as almost anything on the FM3. Fractal you can sort of throw a dart and get something awesome. (And I’ve done very little with Fractal effects other then adjust mix)
I could see though where the effects disparity is marginal or non existent to someone with the Helix. (Though I wasnt blown away by my time with the HXFX, but I also didn’t spend a ton of time trying to squeeze all the juice out of it)
If we could just port all the code from the Fractal into the QC form factor and UI, we’d have the perfect device to rule them all. That said, I’m coming around to the fact that the UI isn’t enough to ignore the general advantages the Fractal has where it counts, tones.