Anyone Have Other Hobbies?

Most of my hobbies involve sitting at a computer being a nerd. 3d graphics and Python are big things for me when I'm not doing music.
What progs do you like best for your 3D modeling/animation? Got any cool stuff for us to check out? I was a big Lightwave fan in the late 90's early 00's. These days I generally do simple stuff in Sketchup, but if I need to take it further, I will open up in Lightwave, Chief Architect or Autocad depending on what I need to get done. Did a bit of Python last year for a client, but mostly PHP and JScript is what I get most of my work in.
What progs do you like best for your 3D modeling/animation? Got any cool stuff for us to check out? I was a big Lightwave fan in the late 90's early 00's. These days I generally do simple stuff in Sketchup, but if I need to take it further, I will open up in Lightwave, Chief Architect or Autocad depending on what I need to get done. Did a bit of Python last year for a client, but mostly PHP and JScript is what I get most of my work in.
I use Blender mostly, because it allows me to use Python to do some procedural stuff. I did all the 3D for BFD Player ( and I did my bands last album artwork too:

I'm still gitting gud tbh, but it is one of those things where every 2% effort just pays dividends.
Just discovered a great new hobby.
Life is fun.

Had it twice now. Got a really comfortable recliner? You might find yourself having to sleep in it for a while. There were nights where I couldn't lay flat in a bed for more than 30 seconds without exploding in coughs.

Best of luck!
Most of my hobbies involve sitting at a computer being a nerd.
Same. Video games, movies/TV, guitar/bass/keyboards are what I'd consider my hobbies, with the occasional personal programming project. I tend to get enough of programming for work.

I do running and swimming for exercise but at best have been decent at them but would be laughed at if I tried to e.g run a marathon. Best I've done is a half-marathon. Now I've gotten a bit lazy and slightly fat.

I enjoy cooking but not enough to call it an actual hobby.

I dabble in cocktail making. We have like one truly good cocktail bar in my city and their menu doesn't change that often, so I decided to just learn how to make them myself. I actually just got an early Christmas present from my spouse. It's a cocktail book with a H.P. Lovecraft theme - mostly classic recipes packaged with excellent illustration and fun Lovecraftian storytelling for instructions. I'll give it a spin in about a week when I'm back home.
What progs do you like best for your 3D modeling/animation? Got any cool stuff for us to check out? I was a big Lightwave fan in the late 90's early 00's. These days I generally do simple stuff in Sketchup, but if I need to take it further, I will open up in Lightwave, Chief Architect or Autocad depending on what I need to get done. Did a bit of Python last year for a client, but mostly PHP and JScript is what I get most of my work in.
I was all in on 3DSMax. I did a good bit of 3D modeling and animation in the 1990s/early 2000s. I considered pursuing it as a career.

Back in the day I made a fully animated modification for the original Counter-Strike that swapped the knife model and animations with a fish you could use to slap people. Could only find a screenshot unfortunately, but the fish flopped around and the idle animation would throw it in the air and catch it.


I also made a similar mod where your knife turned into a guitar. It was based on my first guitar, an Ibanez Stagestar Strat copy with a baseball bat neck, 1 cm thick finish (for real!) and a B-string tuner that needed a wrench to turn.
