Andy Eagle ( Guitar repair tech for 30 years )

Hi Andy,

What do you recommend for a single coil-sized bridge humbucker for a Squier Bass VI? Something that's fairly easy to swap out without any routing? As much as I love the VI's sound, its pickups are pretty anemic for any proper Loathe-like drive. Probably should've gotten a Schecter, but the Fender was on sale.

Hi Andy,

What do you recommend for a single coil-sized bridge humbucker for a Squier Bass VI? Something that's fairly easy to swap out without any routing? As much as I love the VI's sound, its pickups are pretty anemic for any proper Loathe-like drive. Probably should've gotten a Schecter, but the Fender was on sale.

You are going to need to measure the rout because they have had those built in different factories and they are not quite identical in dimensions . If they will take a USA single coil cover you have options.
A Duncan SSL4 is worth a look.
Squire are built entirely third party and I suspect they just start with a picture. Even a USA Strat pickup doesn’t directly fit half of Squire Strats.
You are going to need to measure the rout because they have had those built in different factories and they are not quite identical in dimensions . If they will take a USA single coil cover you have options.
A Duncan SSL4 is worth a look.
Squire are built entirely third party and I suspect they just start with a picture. Even a USA Strat pickup doesn’t directly fit half of Squire Strats.
Whew! Okay, I'll dig in. Thanks, Andy! Appreciate it.
Fuck it! I am taking it to band practice tonight. Odds of me being obnoxious and annoying
just went through the freaking roof! :LOL: