All Things ENGL!

The late great much missed YouTuber CGS had a Loverly sounding Engl Fireball xl5 head .
That was my first introduction to Engl amps .
I remember Phil Mc Knight giving his rave reviews for a long time .
I‘m really sorry to say that, but you definitely chose the wrong model.

I have literally ZERO ability to try before I buy. My only option is to purchase
and have gear shipped to me. So even if this amp is not THE Engl for me it
was still a necessary step on the path. :idk

Also, it is not fair because I have some killer amps here, and whatever I get new
has to be able to fit in with the Family and measure up. :LOL:

I'll still take some more time with it..... but nothing I do is going to give me that
immediacy and fast as the speed of light response I was aiming for, will it? :unsure:
I don‘t think we are talking about irrational FOMO here. I mean, if I‘d be looking for that Mesa Mark sound and then buy a Filmore, I‘d be disappointed, too.
But he's talking about having just purchased a new amp only to realize that he loves what he already has. That's irrational FOMO.

But sometimes there's only one way to find out, right?
Also, it is not fair because I have some killer amps here, and whatever I get new
has to be able to fit in with the Family and measure up. :LOL:
I would think "fitting in with the family" would have more to with bringing something new to the table than measuring up, no?
But he's talking about having just purchased a new amp only to realize that he loves what he already has. That's irrational FOMO.

But sometimes there's only one way to find out, right?

Season 4 Episode 13 GIF by The Office


I wasn't expecting to get psycho-analyzed on The Gear Forum when I woke up
this morning.


I don't feel it is that irrational. I thought about it quite a lot before pulling the trigger. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
the office therapy GIF

For me it came down to owning a Fireball---not totally liking it---because it kind
of only had one sound and not a very versatile one at that. But also playing a few of
the Engl Models in the Fractal and really being inspired by them. That got me into looking
at Engl amps. I like Mids and the Morse had a lot of features I assumed I would be
into. I have never played one and there is ZERO chance I could without actually
buying one. So I bought one.

Not a lot of FOMO with this because it is not like I know anyone who owns or
uses a Morse, or a Savage, or an Artist Edition, or a Blackmore. If I had heard one
or seen someone with one, and then felt lacking, I guess that would be FOMO. :unsure:

It was more about adding a new flavour to the Amp Family here, but then I confront
the challenges of what I default to (like a lot of us) and those core tones as a bit of a
crutch. Perhaps. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

So, the balance is trying to push myself to incorporate something new to me, that also
fits in with the Family, and can measure up what I already own, while also being a tad
different and giving me an equally inspiring but different flavour. Not sure, as of now,

the Morse fits that criteria.

So far. :idk
the office therapy GIF

For me it came down to owning a Fireball---not totally liking it---because it kind
of only had one sound and not a very versatile one at that. But also playing a few of
the Engl Models in the Fractal and really being inspired by them. That got me into looking
at Engl amps. I like Mids and the Morse had a lot of features I assumed I would be
into. I have never played one and there is ZERO chance I could without actually
buying one. So I bought one.

Not a lot of FOMO with this because it is not like I know anyone who owns or
uses a Morse, or a Savage, or an Artist Edition, or a Blackmore. If I had heard one
or seen someone with one, and then felt lacking, I guess that would be FOMO. :unsure:

It was more about adding a new flavour to the Amp Family here, but then I confront
the challenges of what I default to (like a lot of us) and those core tones as a bit of a
crutch. Perhaps. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

So, the balance is trying to push myself to incorporate something new to me, that also
fits in with the Family, and can measure up what I already own, while also being a tad
different and giving me an equally inspiring but different flavour. Not sure, as of now,

the Morse fits that criteria.

So far. :idk

(Kidding, of course. I need to live vicariously by hearing all about your ENGL.)
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New day. New ears. I can't do the Mids on this amp. As much control there is
over them they are just not pleasant to my ears. Some people scoop the Mids
and want them out of the way. Not me. I love my Mids. Just not these Mids.

Funny, but the Steve Morse Sig just makes me want to unplug (no matter
what guitar I try) and use one of my other amps, or the Fractal.

Next! :popcorn
New day. New ears. I can't do the Mids on this amp. As much control there is
over them they are just not pleasant to my ears. Some people scoop the Mids
and want them out of the way. Not me. I love my Mids. Just not these Mids.

Funny, but the Steve Morse Sig just makes me want to unplug (no matter
what guitar I try) and use one of my other amps, or the Fractal.

Next! :popcorn
Sometimes an amp takes its time to kind of meet your tone expectations halfway. Other times it's a never going to work situation. If you can tell that it's s going to be the latter; that's actually a good thing. No shame in moving on.
I have literally ZERO ability to try before I buy. My only option is to purchase
and have gear shipped to me. So even if this amp is not THE Engl for me it
was still a necessary step on the path. :idk

Also, it is not fair because I have some killer amps here, and whatever I get new
has to be able to fit in with the Family and measure up. :LOL:

I'll still take some more time with it..... but nothing I do is going to give me that
immediacy and fast as the speed of light response I was aiming for, will it? :unsure:
An EQ in front of the amp cutting the lows could help.