All Things ENGL!

Sometimes an amp takes its time to kind of meet your tone expectations halfway. Other times it's a never going to work situation. If you can tell that it's s going to be the latter; that's actually a good thing. No shame in moving on.

Yup. 1000%. I can put the work in. Not afraid of that. Also have enough
experience with a boatload of amps that I know pretty early on if an amp
is for me, or is for someone else who is not me. :lol

I plugged into my Trem O Verb later this afternoon and it was instantaneous
feel goods. Automatic inspiration machine.

I already know after 2 whole days I won't be content or inspired by the Morse.
On one hand it's not Marshall/Grindy enough.... and on the other it is not Heavy
or Tight enough.

For me. Right now. :idk
The Morse is a weird one. I had the chance to play a friend's and it wasn't my thing, either.

That's nice to know. I think. :LOL:

I trust my experience, but I also question myself at times. I guess it is
reassuring to know that it was not just me that didn't jive with the Morse. :idk
Yes, compared to the other ENGL amps, the Morse seems to be much smoother overall and more congested in the mids. I've never played one myself, but I can clearly hear it in all the YouTube videos I've seen about it. You don't seem to have really warmed to it yet and I would be very sorry if it turned out to be the wrong choice for you. But when I look at your list of favourite sounds, I get the impression that the Artist Edition or Savage Mk II are much more in line with your personal taste.
I've looked at the Steve Morse amp a few times because of the feature set, but that's how it seems to me as well. Works for Morse...the rest of us, not so much.
If you're looking for tight, dry, immediacy, you might want to look into the Fryette first-hand experience, but always heard that about them.
I've looked at the Steve Morse amp a few times because of the feature set, but that's how it seems to me as well. Works for Morse...the rest of us, not so much.

He's a genius, but man I never liked his tone or playing. Mad respect,
but I can remember hearing him the first time and kind of wondering
what all the fuss was about. In all honesty, I prefer his clean tones best. :idk

Amp has a great feature set. Just not voiced in a way that works for me.
I find if EQs pre amp doesn't work often it is caused by the power tubes or bias.

The EQ can fix too much bass hitting the first stage. This can be low mids too.

Lipstick meets Pig. :LOL:

I get it. You have a ton(e) of experience with great amps. Just not
a method I am willing to follow on a $3k amp less than a week
into owning it. No way in hell am I slathering a bunch of makeup (EQ)
on this thing. :beer
Lipstick meets Pig. :LOL:

I get it. You have a ton(e) of experience with great amps. Just not
a method I am willing to follow on a $3k amp less than a week
into owning it. No way in hell am I slathering a bunch of makeup (EQ)
on this thing. :beer
Understand for sure.

Sometimes amps are not setup optimally when one receives them.

I have no experience with that amp.

I have a couple amps that sound really bad for the first hour or so after firing them up after sitting unused for too long.
Amps are weird.
New day. New ears. I can't do the Mids on this amp. As much control there is
over them they are just not pleasant to my ears. Some people scoop the Mids
and want them out of the way. Not me. I love my Mids. Just not these Mids.

Funny, but the Steve Morse Sig just makes me want to unplug (no matter
what guitar I try) and use one of my other amps, or the Fractal.

Next! :popcorn
Amps, man, sodding amps...

Sorry to hear your experience with the Morse, but if it isn't for you, get something else that is.

Myself, I bought a Fireball 25 for somethng High Gain that wasn't one of my Orange Terrors - which I love, but aren't "tight" and the Clean on the Rocker 15 needs pedals or its just bland. I did not expect to like it as much as I do and can't wait to play it.

I also bught a 1x12 Extension Cab for my Bad Cat Black Cat, made sure I connected it correctly - and the damn thing is swamped with Reverb and sounds totally crud. On the Black Cat the Reverb is also a Volume control.

My Strat sounds better with the Fireball Clean (has a mid boost option) with no pedals than anything the Black Cat is currently doing with a long sig chain in front. I may unhook the Cab and see what Head might go with a Custom Voiced V30... Hot Cat?

Amps, man, sodding amps...
@la szum finally met an amp that I love and even me of all people would boost mids on and he hates it :cry:

Arrested Development Crying GIF by HULU
Amps, man, sodding amps...

Sorry to hear your experience with the Morse, but if it isn't for you, get something else that is.

Myself, I bought a Fireball 25 for somethng High Gain that wasn't one of my Orange Terrors - which I love, but aren't "tight" and the Clean on the Rocker 15 needs pedals or its just bland. I did not expect to like it as much as I do and can't wait to play it.

I also bught a 1x12 Extension Cab for my Bad Cat Black Cat, made sure I connected it correctly - and the damn thing is swamped with Reverb and sounds totally crud. On the Black Cat the Reverb is also a Volume control.

My Strat sounds better with the Fireball Clean (has a mid boost option) with no pedals than anything the Black Cat is currently doing with a long sig chain in front. I may unhook the Cab and see what Head might go with a Custom Voiced V30... Hot Cat?

Amps, man, sodding amps...
I’ve only had a couple of tube amps before the FB25 but the clean channel is to my ears really good, and works for both strat and high output humbuckers. I haven’t found my settings for the Mid boost though, when going back and forth I just find it too much but that’s in the scenario of bedroom playing. Probably works well in a live setting.

What’s your sweet spots for master volume and lead gain?