All Things ENGL!

la szum

TGF Recording Artist
I am smitten. That super dry, tight, percussive thing is a thing. :chef

Any real world experience out there? Lovers? Haters? Mehers? :idk

I had a Fireball 60 once upon a time and it kind of did nothing
for me. Traded it straight up for a Fryette Deliverance 60.

Been mucking about with the Engl Models on the Fractal and
really dig the Savage.

Thoughts? Experiences? Thanks! :beer
I had a Fireball 100 that was killer. I only sold it because at that point in my gear journey I had not yet read the scripture and accepted the word in my heart.

Gearhead 3:16
Only buy, never sell

prayer GIF

The Synergy Powerball module is also epic.

ENGL is awesome.
I had a Fireball 100 that was killer. I only sold it because at that point in my gear journey I had not yet read the scripture and accepted the word in my heart.

Gearhead 3:16
Only buy, never sell

prayer GIF

The Synergy Powerball module is also epic.

ENGL is awesome.
I also Regret Selling that Yamaha PAC510V :(
It's super intriguing to me that they can nail the Metal thing, and
then there are cats like Ritchie Blackmore and Steve Morse with
Signature heads. :idk

I really need to find a store where I can go play some in person.
If I were to buy an amp, it would be a Fireball 100. I have been requesting the model In the Axe3 but so far nothing. 🫤
It's super intriguing to me that they can nail the Metal thing, and
then there are cats like Ritchie Blackmore and Steve Morse with
Signature heads. :idk

I really need to find a store where I can go play some in person.

Forgot that I've tracked some of my bands stuff with a Blackmore too!! awesome amps

And both the Blackmore and Morse can still also nail the brutal metal thing in addition to other stuff too :LOL:
I have heard the build quality isn't all that spectacular..... but don't we hear that about every brand
these days on the 24-7 Webz? :idk

People would crap on them for quality a fair amount back in the HCAF days but I haven't really had any problems for the most part... My morse had a cold solder joint in one of the FX loops once, easy fix.

Can't say I've heard much complaints about the quality in any recent years though (if they were ever that well founded to begin with)
Great thread idea! I’d love to learn more about ENGL. I haven’t much direct exposure to the amps but I have liked some captures I’ve played.

They really have a cool thing going on, honestly probably were the amps that truly first ignited this whole amp obsession for me.

When I was a teenager I first graduated to an interest in “real gear” past my Marshall mg by saving every penny to get a 5150 II but an ENGL was always the goal. Unfortunately it broke right away and the “tech” I took it to never fixed it and ultimately stole it. After that I started saving every cent from my job (this was before I discovered weed and girls) and lucked out into an insane deal on a “scratch and dent” ENGL Morse. Life changing to say the least. I ultimately traded that straight across for my first Mark V and that’s when the whole Mesa obsession began lol
They are a brand for me that I want to love, but over the years I've tried several and kinda liked them, but not enough to buy. The visuals are off putting to me, and I often find that I like e.g the high gain tones but find the rest forgettable.

Decent pricing and good feature set.