A lot of people will disagree with my hardware modeler ranking

I thought this was a TB3 post until I looked
Pffft.....you have to buy one for your cat to pee on it.......
People still use Kemper?

It’s been one of the top modelers for many years for bigger touring acts. I do think it’s on the decline with a lot of bands moving to QC or Fractal.

Probably different from the average YouTube viewer who is more interested in the latest gear as opposed to working musicians who are on the road for months at a time and want something that works for their situation.
Do you go to shows? It's probably the one I see the most, especially with touring bands. I never see half of your list out in the wild.

I was only half joking. I guess people still love that platform as a whole! In terms of the profiling tech imho it's just dated. QC is more accurate and way more flexible in terms of how you can route the captures etc.
To defend Jon a bit, he's done a hell of a lot of blind test videos and stepped on a lot of toes over the years. I'm perfectly fine with watching a shorter video like this.

The one thing I wish was a bit different in this video would be having the Lonely Rocker guy (who I follow and enjoy) trying out some of these units he hasn't used. It would be cool to get his impressions of things like the Fender TMP in real time. Kind of like what you did with Henning.
I was only half joking. I guess people still love that platform as a whole! In terms of the profiling tech imho it's just dated. QC is more accurate and way more flexible in terms of how you can route the captures etc.

In some ways QC is more flexible, but in other ways Kemper is still much more flexible than QC. It all depends on how you approach building your setup