3 Months, in a city of 200,000, for $2600??

We have very different tastes in clean and edge of breakup tones :beer

I typically don’t like clean tones in anything over 30 watts (50 max) and I can’t stand 6L6’s

You really don’t like the clean tones from a plexi, a super reverb, a jtm45, or a twin? If that’s true then yeah I really don’t think we have much in common tonally. What do you like then? There are some small amps I like (ac15, Princeton, etc), but they don’t really hold up to the experience of a massive tube amp.

The recto is a different beast though, it’s getting the breakup from the preamp. The power section needs to stay clean. With the tube rectifier in and the power section in spongy mode, I dig the whole range of gain tones from clean to high.

We have very different tastes in clean and edge of breakup tones :beer

I typically don’t like clean tones in anything over 30 watts (50 max) and I can’t stand 6L6’s
I bet you’d dig the Bogner Duende’s cleans.
If you marched in a music store throwing those words out there..I’d have you warmed up in standby with the Duende or Bogner Metropoulos.

The best Bogner cleans though,IMHE
are in the Telos.
DAYUM there’s insanely great cleans to EOB’s in that thing.
However, the filtering on the bottom end is a real cockblocker- bloats with volume or bass or gain,
even if you use a pedal for the tight punchies’
or juggling tube swaps.

There is a way to get it sorted but it’s gotta be modded for weird power tubes or get a
Jedi Knight modder dude to mod the snot outta it.
You really don’t like the clean tones from a plexi, a super reverb, a jtm45, or a twin? If that’s true then yeah I really don’t think we have much in common tonally. What do you like then? There are some small amps I like (ac15, Princeton, etc), but they don’t really hold up to the experience of a massive tube amp.

The recto is a different beast though, it’s getting the breakup from the preamp. The power section needs to stay clean. With the tube rectifier in and the power section in spongy mode, I dig the whole range of gain tones from clean to high.


Twins I don’t like, Super Reverbs are OK, but I like a Deluxe or Princeton a lot better. JTM45 and Plexi I would say both fall within what I said - 50 watts max, no 6L6. I love a 50 watt Plexi clean, not so crazy about the 100 watt though.

My favorites are Vox and Vox derivatives:

Matchless DC30
Matchless Lightning
Bad Cat Cub
Bad Cat Black Cat
Dr Z Maz Jr
Orange AD30

I feel the opposite way: massive tube amps don’t really hold up to the experience of a small amp.
Badlanders now, with a 2:50 probably pushing monitors.

via his IG from a couple months ago, we're both right! Sick rig!

Twins I don’t like, Super Reverbs are OK, but I like a Deluxe or Princeton a lot better. JTM45 and Plexi I would say both fall within what I said - 50 watts max, no 6L6. I love a 50 watt Plexi clean, not so crazy about the 100 watt though.

My favorites are Vox and Vox derivatives:

Matchless DC30
Matchless Lightning
Bad Cat Cub
Bad Cat Black Cat
Dr Z Maz Jr
Orange AD30

I feel the opposite way: massive tube amps don’t really hold up to the experience of a small amp.

Totally dependent on what kind of music we are playing, isn't it? :idk Dream Theater Tribute Gig
with a Matchless or AC15 I have got to go see! :beer

I kind of love all amps like I love all kinds of different guitars. They are all tools that are best suited
to a specific purpose or task. It's out fault when we ask them to shine in a context or setting they
are not suited for. Kind of like trying to mix Cheddar Cheese and Sardines. Both are great in their
own way and have strong flavours. Try and put them together in the same bite, though, and :barf
Totally dependent on what kind of music we are playing, isn't it? :idk Dream Theater Tribute Gig
with a Matchless or AC15 I have got to go see! :beer

I kind of love all amps like I love all kinds of different guitars. They are all tools that are best suited
to a specific purpose or task. It's out fault when we ask them to shine in a context or setting they
are not suited for. Kind of like trying to mix Cheddar Cheese and Sardines. Both are great in their
own way and have strong flavours. Try and put them together in the same bite, though, and :barf

Absolutely, 100%.

Although I have played Metallica songs live with an OCD and a FullDrive into an AC30 :rofl

But if I was dedicated to that style it wouldn’t be my first choice in rig
Royal Atlantic is like a less offensive Nomad or Heartbreaker. No desire to own one though I could be completely wrong about it? Though I believe it's related to the Electradyne? AKA probably adjacent in my mind to the TC family of Boogies.

LoG was using them for a spell, definitely more gain than the ED but not as cutting as the Marks. I think he's back on Mark IV's again but could be wrong about that.

I had the RA100 2x12 combo (91 lbs!) before my Electra Dyne. Definitely same lineage as the Dyne, but with EL34s like the TC.

I liked it but didn’t love it, but I was also new to Mesas and still learning how to dial them in, so would be interesting to try now.

I remember the manual said the high gain channel was the highest gain levels they’d ever achieved.

Was going to mention the Lamb Of God connection too, which is the only band I’ve ever seen use them,

I also remember part of what I didn’t like was that the high gain channel sounded like it had no connection to the crunch channel, was like two different amps. But again, I was a Mesa newb, so who knows.