Consumables- Picks, Strings, & Batteries Oh My!

NYXLs, JP signature picks, and have recently migrated to energizer rechargeables after being a Duracell man for as long as I can remember.
Only thing I can say about batteries is to not buy the cheap stuff. They don't tend to last.

For picks, I have got some fancy premium picks from various brands and they have never become the ones I use. My pick journey has been basically
  • I used the Fender Heavy picks for years, but then they changed the formula somehow and those were no longer as good.
  • I moved to the 1.14 or 1.5 mm Dunlop Gator or Ultex instead and was happy with those. Being a broke-ass student I'd even sometimes file them a bit to be able to keep using a favorite pick with too many gouges on it.
  • When Dunlop came out with the Tortex Flow 1.35mm, that was the perfect in-between of the ones I had been using, with a shape that is spot on. I just wish they were not black because that's the easiest color to lose.
For strings, I went through a few brands.
  • DR is on my black list because I kept getting strings that would not intonate right.
  • I liked the Snake Oil brand strings but they became hard to get and I think the company folded.
  • So now I just use D'Addario XL and NYXL because they are easy to get in bulk and the packaging keeps them fresh for ages. I'm using strings from a box set I bought many years ago.
For cables:
  • I have settled on Klotz La Grange cables from guitar to amp or pedalboard. For no other reason than low capacitance, Neutrik jacks and decent availability and price where I live. I used to buy a 9m cable, cut it in half and turn it into two 4.5m cables.
  • I use Evidence Audio Monorail solderless cables for mono connections on my pedalboard. I hate giving the company money because they advertise with total bullshit with unsubstantiated tone claims and no capacitance specs. But the products are good and the solderless cables work well. At least I bought mine used because they are also very expensive.
  • I use EBS flat TRS -> TRS and TRS -> 2xTS cables on my pedalboard. They're the smallest I've found and so far no issues.
Question What GIF by Harlem

Ms Pat GIF by BET Plus
Usually I buy D'Addario XL because of all the points you get, but sometimes I go Ernie Ball. Lately 9.5-44 but think I'll go back up to 10's as they are feeling a little soft. I have whatever the opposite of acidic hands are that I can keep strings for a long time. Sometimes I try coated strings but I dunno if it's worth it. For me it's not the corrosion as much as the strings just deforming from frets and what not.

I change my preference every few months. For a long time I was using Dunlop Tortex Flex .73 which seem to last a lot longer than the regular ones especially with the tips not wearing down. But recently got back into the Ultex Flow .73 which are a little crisper, sharper tip, and have more grip.

Don't use them for guitar but I like rechargeable Eneloop and Energizer for AA and AAA. Haven't used rechargeable 9V. Also have the bulk packs of cheap Amazon batteries for things that don't use a lot of power and may get lost like remotes and kids toys.

Since I had a ton of D'Addario points, I got a bunch of the Custom series cables a few months ago. I have two longer instrument cables, four shorter ones for 4CM stuff, and a heavy duty speaker cable. They seem very rugged and don't tangle easily. I've had one of the older cheaper Planet Waves cables of theirs for 15 years and it's still going strong.