The Very First Soldanos (and their owners: a list)

Yamaha T50/T100. Bill Leverty from Firehouse used them.

6mins in here

Cool video. Bummer the Slo 100w he spoke of did not have a Level on the return of the loop like they do now to make it useable for him because despite the Yamaha being the closest useable option, it is a major compromise. Granted at the time all that rack stuff was cutting edge. The section where he backs it up to a floppy is epic. :crazy

His tone was massive and saw them open for Tesla in Reno when 'All she wrote' was a Massive hit. Live as on the record he was lacking note definition as a result of going for that massive tone -to my ears.
CJ Snare was a one of kind voice and sadly hit the scene months before Nirvana crushed the 80's shred era.
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Cool video. Bummer the Slo 100w he spoke of did not have a Level on the return of the loop like they do now to make it useable for him because despite the Yamaha being the closest useable option, it is a major compromise. Granted at the time all that rack stuff was cutting edge. The section where he backs it up to a floppy is epic. :crazy

His tone was massive and saw them open for Tesla in Reno when 'All she wrote' was a Massive hit. Live as on the record he was lacking note definition as a result of going for that massive tone -to my ears.
CJ Snare was a one of kind voice and sadly hit the scene months before Nirvana crushed the 80's shred era.

Bill was using a Fractal on the last Firehouse shows---and even shared a Preset on the Fractal Forum.
Bill was using a Fractal on the last Firehouse shows---and even shared a Preset on the Fractal Forum.
I did not know that Link? None of the 'Artist presets' have been useable
The Def Lep one was super dark and compressed. The Steve vai one had a great delay but he uses it with a synergy pre amp so..
Agree on the Phil Collen Preset---and just imagine he is using .013s on his guitar too.

I have noticed that most of the "Pros" have tones dialed in way darker than your average
bloke seems to like. I wonder if it is because with massive volume it sort of equalizes itself. :idk