2024 Do Something Challenge - Season One - Week Two


TGF Recording Artist

Welcome to 2024 Do Something Challenge - Season One - Week Two!

For some odd reason, 11ty billion gear obsessed musicians did not submit qualifying tracks for week one. After careful consideration of our launch strategy, we came to the inevitable conclusion that any normal corporation would reach: No matter how ridiculous the goal, someone must pay for not achieving it!

Hence forth, Petey from @LiveeviL2000's Commute song has been terminated.
Our condolences go out to his friends, family, drinking buddies, and bathroom peers.

Once Petey was escorted from the building, which took far too long due to his insistence to stop at every restroom along the way whilst mumbling something about cafeteria spam, we held an all-staff think tank to determine just how we had fallen so short of our goal of 11ty billion week one entries.

Could it be there just aren't 11ty billion gear obsessed musicians on the interwebz?
Maybe there aren't 11ty billion of them signed up on TGF?
Most plausibly, Petey #^#% the bed!

As we entered damage control mode, a subreddit troll on the "Why didn't TGF have 11ty Billion Qualified Entries to the DSC 2024 Week One Thread?" thread, not-so-eloquently pointed out "They don't even have a #%#%#ing DJ!"

As we pondered this little nugget of wisdom glistening with internet troll spittle, Dillon, the staffer responsible for the "No pistols at 40 paces" rule, offered a fantastic suggestion so incredible, so genius, so next.level.congnitive.evolutionary.thinking we were all agasp at the utter brilliance of it all.

We need to hire a DJ!

But first, here's the tally from Week One:

@PLX - 3
@Iron1 - I
@LiveeviL2000 - 2
@Whizzinby - I
@DrewJD82 - I
@FuzzyAce - 2
@Alex Kenivel - I
@Sleezy E - I
@T Gobbs - 6!!!
@Moondog Wily - 2
@TJontheRoad - 2
@aldunk - I
@megametal7 - I
@JiveTurkey - I
@mbenigni - I

@Iron1 - I
@LiveeviL2000 - I
@FuzzyAce - I
@PLX - I

That's 28 pieces of music that didn't exist prior to this challenge! Annnnnndddd... a record opening week! Congrats to all who participated!

However, the number 28 is a tiny bit short of 11ty Billion, which obviously means we here at WTGF are forced to carry out our Draconian Plan and hire a DJ... wait? the D in DJ doesn't stand for Dragon? And it doesn't stand fro Draconian either? And, what's that? "dragon" and "draconian" aren't related words? Pfft! Well, that sucks all the cool right out of it, doesn't it...?

Anyhoo... the show must go on.

Beginning this week, we're auditioning potential non-Draconian DJ's.

First up:


Hello listeners!

We here at WTGF would like to apologize, Max Headroom did indeed apply for this open job of Dragon Disc Jockey, but was not offered an audition, despite his close personal ties to Petey.

We apologize for this mistake, but since the show must go on and dead air will kill even the most imaginary of make-believe radio stations, a dear friend of the challenge has offered to step in while we contact other potential DJs.

Congrats to all who have participated already!
For all the rules, reasons why you lusting after any amp other than a Badlander is futile, why Corporate Rock is the walk up music of parasitic vultures, how Soundcloud's lack of achieving their own potential is a modern day tragedy, why radio stations would be so much cooler with Dragon Jockeys and other such non-existent musings, please refer to the Week WON thread.

For the 11ty billionth time, you are the man @Iron1 ! Thanks for your efforts, humor and time!! Classic stuff!!!

I vote Boomhauer (dang it)! Max Headroom does have a lot going for him, but he is a VJ (vajayjay jockey) not a DJ (Dragon jockey), so he may not be qualified and a bit sticky from his time on the job(s) ;~))
We need an Angus emoji for this one! #Whirlwindlegkickrippingriffs
This weeks damage.

Breaking out the big guns I see... I'm onto you Whizz, just don't whizz on me.

Always love your guitar tone and this is proof of why.

Ok, this is my all-time favorite Fuzzy track. An entire album of this is now on order. When can I expect delivery? I clicked the "Prime" button but it isn't here yet... :hmm
It has a bit of that @Iron1 secret formula in it, so maybe that's why. :grin
Those whole-tone changes in the riff are inspired by a few of your songs. :rawk
Anyone here tried the old Van Halen trick of composing chord changes based on the "white keys on the keyboard" interval thing ?

Anyone here tried the old Van Halen trick of composing chord changes based on the "white keys on the keyboard" interval thing ?

Not sure which thing you mean? But it's funny you mentioned VH, I was going to incorporate that kind of tap run he used to do. For example (not the key of my song): frets 5, 9 left hand and then tapping 12th fret -- running from high E string all the way to low E. It's a cool thing because it changes key on the G and D strings while still being an efficient and easier technique with the hands. And it sounds cool! But I committed to the octave fuzz sound which doesn't lend itself so well with tapping imo.
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