2024 Do Something Challenge - Season One - Week One

Excuse me good sir, mine was entirely done this morning. Need evidence? My submission. :ROFLMAO:

I tried to come up with something yesterday to get a head start but sorta fumble dicked my way around the fretboard after forgetting how to play after the holiday break. lol

Haha! :LOL:

Well Excuse Moi GIF

It's all good. I swear I didn't pull anyone over, didn't mention a single name, and also said
no one has probably ever done that. :beer

Probably. :idk

I also had no say in the "rules," and I suspect if anyone is punished for breaking them they will at least be
spared one of their testicles. Just one, though. :rofl
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Thanks for tuning in ladies and... well... whatever the rest of you are...

Welcome to the Maiden Broadcast of W*T*G*F!
The best radio station not actually on the radio, but still broadcasting across the airwaves ™ Don't ask how that works, never question magic...

That's right girls and... well... whatever you are... the Do Something Challenge is back for 2024 and this time, we're LIVE on the newest, coolest, hippest, (insert superlative)est radio station in existence!


Today marks the most historic moment in your wasted lives as we embark on this momentous journey into the great unknown! That's right! The Do Something Challenge 2024 Season begins now! As in the past, this season will run for 8 weeks. Each week ends at Midnight on Saturday, regardless of when the next week's thread is posted. And, along with all the other standard rules (click here for said rules), the fine folks at WTGF have concocted
the ULTIMATE GRAND PRIZE for 5 lucky wieners winners!​

Yes Indeedy! This announcement is guaranteed to turn @DrewJD82's Brown Eye Blue! Nevermind all the Taco Bell and Milwaukee's Best it took to prime that pump... see above, re: don't question magic!
What is it you ask? What could be so stupendously magical that all of YOU will want to get in the game on this one? Fame? Fortune? A lifetime supply of bad dad jokes?

If you see a robbery at the Apple Store does that make you an iWitness?

NO! Well, yes, I guess that part does, but NO! That's not what awaits the winner or winners!

In the never-ending quest to achieve bigger and better, we studied all those who came before us in the anal'ed halls of radio history! From Howard Stern's ill-advised phone call to Air Florida that promptly got him fired, to the legendary WKRP turkey drop we anal-ized, we watched, we learned. We said the word "anal" too many times...

And, then we decided not to do any of that stupid #$%#, instead we decided to launch something so amazing that it would honor the efforts of all our incredible
TGF Recording Artists...

: insert dramatic pause:

: continue pause for even more drama:

: keep pause going too long and now it's getting annoying:

: try to stop pause but button isn't working:

: panic:

: smash button with variety of objects at hand such as a rubber chicken, leftover 7-11 burrito, 1996 Korg tuner, @Iron1's IQ... wait, that last one was entirely too small to make an effective hammer:

: question life choices:

: realize all this time was spent hitting the pause button:

: push play button:


But, first a word from our sponsor!

I wish we had cool toys like Log when I was a kid... can't wait for the Kemper Log to drop. It already did? Crap! Guess I'm heading to Guitar Depot today...


Where were we?


:re-reads cue card - mumbles unintelligiblely:

Ok, here we go:

The 2024 Do Something Challenge Season One Grand Prize is -

Err, sorry about that... stupid commercials alway interrupting the good stuff...

The 2024 Do Something Challenge Season One Grand Prize
brought to you by WTGF - The best radio station not actually on the radio, but still broadcasting across the airwaves ™
The Top Five Submitters (the five recording artists who
submit the most entries this season) will earn a WTGF recording contract!

"But, @Iron1 how does that work? The Gear Forum is a forum, not a record label?"

While we get this question all the time, the answer is: not really.

"Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?" you ask?

Well, the almighty @David Lo Pan is opening up the very first TGF Youtube Channel. At the end of the season, the top 5 submitters will be offered the opportunity to have their two favorite submissions added to a 10-track Youtube Compilation Album, sponsored by WTGF! To clarify, "Top 5 submitters" is the 5 peeps who post the most qualified entries.

Like most actual recording contracts, you get nothing, have no rights and can't actually prove you had a recording contract. So, bear that in mind. Wait, I don't think we were supposed to tell you that part... what? Oh, I guess it's ok since WTGF is a fake radio station and not an actual blood-sucking record label.

Anyway, the top 5 submitters will have one week after the end of Season One to submit their two favorite entries to David for inclusion in the first TGF YouTube Do Something Challenge Compilation album. Don't call it just a playlist, it cheapens the illusion...

We are looking for someone who would love to help create the videos when the time comes >cough< @Moondog Wily >cough< so if you have solid video making skills and would like to join the entirely unpaid, often make-believe, staff of WTGF, please send a message to @Iron1

In the event of a tie, pistols at 40 paces will determine the winner... wait... HR says we can't do that anymore ever since the "Danny" incident... I miss him sometimes...

So, if there is a tie, we'll decide what to do about that when the time comes cause we're no where near organized enough to have thought of a solution for that yet. What do you think this is, a legit thing? Sheesh...
Now, what are you doing staring at the computer screen - GO! DO SOMETHING!!!!

Whatever is transcendent to "You Rock!" is where you abide, @Iron1 . Wow! I'd be thrilled to death with this Intro
if no body submitted anything. :beer

Eager and excited to cheer you all on. :banana

To the Victors Go The Spoils of War! :pitchforks:LOL:
Whatever is transcendent to "You Rock!" is where you abide, @Iron1 . Wow! I'd be thrilled to death with this Intro
if no body submitted anything. :beer

Eager and excited to cheer you all on. :banana

To the Victors Go The Spoils of War! :pitchforks:LOL:

“Cheer you all on”?

What the actual fudge? Do Something. Enter it! Enjoy the lustful look of virile youth as you pass them by.

“Cheer you all on”?

What the actual fudge? Do Something. Enter it! Enjoy the lustful look of virile youth as you pass them by.

Man, my life is on serious overwhelm and overload right now. Last thing I have room on my plate
is for a "Do Something Else." :LOL:

And I seriously love the diversity of voices gathered here. I don't say that to kiss ass, or be nice.

There is an immense amount of talent/skill/effort that gets shared in these threads, and I am one of the
lucky bastards on the Planet who gets to hear it. Appreciate each and every one of you. :beer
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Man, my life is on serious overwhelm and overload right now. Last thing I have room on my plate
is for a "Do Something Else." :LOL:

And I seriously love the diversity of voices gathered here. I don't say that to kiss or ass, or be nice.

There is an immense amount of talent/skill/effort that gets shared in these threads, and I am one of the
lucky bastards on the Planet who gets to hear it. :beer
Well, I hope some magical “extra time” pops into your life.

And you aint lyin’ about the talent. The main motivation for me to keep this rolling is the ringside seat to all the great tracks TGF’ers upload every week. You included.
Can't see to get Audius to work right, so Soundcloud it is:

Will likely upload to Audius when I can and edit this post to the Audius link...

Fuck yeah! Man, I really dig them grungy, dirt-fueled Bass tones you get. :chef

Really cool how you let the Bass carry some sections. :beer
Now about that spoils of war comment! Never thought about it previously (and this is the George Carlin part of my brain speaking), but I want the fresh fruits of war!! I will leave the spoiled stuff for the loosers!!! Not that I will win Jack Sh!t ;~))

Haha! :LOL:

Even a Brief Glance at History seems to suggest that everything in our world is literally the
Spoils/Fruits of War.


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Haha! :LOL:

Well Excuse Moi GIF

It's all good. I swear I didn't pull anyone over, didn't mention a single name, and also said
no one has probably ever done that. :beer

Probably. :idk

I also had no say in the "rules," and I suspect if anyone is punished for breaking them they will at least be
spared one of their testicles. Just one, though. :rofl

Haha, was just messing around. My wife poked her head in the door this morning and saw all my stuff out recording and said “ok, so you’re not leaving the house today I see”. :ROFLMAO: I told her “two hours” and she gave me the all too familiar look.

Sassy Red Wine GIF by Married At First Sight

Man, you could do a Youtube Tutorial on impeccable Clean tones. Seriously! :chef

Not much makes me want to play clean-cleans.... but you seem to serve
them up like they are effortless. Tasty! :beer

Appreciate that man. For this one I actually dislike the clean parts the most. Partly writing, partly just trying to record fast. I never tweaked my stock preset. Otherwise I’d have gotten another all too familiar look…

Sassy Red Wine GIF by Married At First Sight

I spend the majority of my time playing on cleans despite my love for the gainz, and though 80’s music was slightly before my time, I find myself completely obsessed with some version of a dark and desperate 80’s clean tone that are stuck rolling around in my head. :ROFLMAO:
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I wasn't intending on getting in on this one due to wasting glorious amounts of time learning the new studio monitors, but when I was checking out the submissions earlier, vocal stuff started popping in my head when I was listening to @Whizzinby's tune. Some stuff just lends itself to throwing a melody over the top, the longest part of recording this was coming up with lyrics.

I wasn't intending on getting in on this one due to wasting glorious amounts of time learning the new studio monitors, but when I was checking out the submissions earlier, vocal stuff started popping in my head when I was listening to @Whizzinby's tune. Some stuff just lends itself to throwing a melody over the top, the longest part of recording this was coming up with lyrics.



Well f’ing done dude.

standing ovation applause GIF
My God you guys have taken this to another level!!!!
View attachment 17275

I think it'll be REALLY cool to see the progression of everyone's work as time has gone by. Knowing some people never even worked in a DAW before this started to hearing some really well fleshed out ideas popping up has been one of my favorite aspects of this forum.
I wasn't intending on getting in on this one due to wasting glorious amounts of time learning the new studio monitors, but when I was checking out the submissions earlier, vocal stuff started popping in my head when I was listening to @Whizzinby's tune. Some stuff just lends itself to throwing a melody over the top, the longest part of recording this was coming up with lyrics.

Serious question... do you have to eat a lot of cough drops? How TF do you scream like that? :rofl
My voice would be shot to hell!
Great collab!
Serious question... do you have to eat a lot of cough drops? How TF do you scream like that? :rofl
My voice would be shot to hell!
Great collab!

It’s all technique so it’s actually not uncomfortable at all, but it took me 15 years of blowing my throat out doing it the wrong way before I figured it out. It’s not screaming how we tend to think of screaming by raising the volume and intensity of our voice until it breaks/cracks up, it’s almost the opposite. I might make a video on how I do it, it’s hard to translate verbally what I’m feeling as a sensation in my throat and I’m always nervous to give someone bad info that injures ‘em, but once you realize how it’s done it’s one of those “For real? That’s it?”

If you can make the same sounds whispering, you‘re already dong it, it’s just figuring out how to make that sound loud enough to get picked up by a mic. It’s barely louder than my normal singing voice.
If you can make the same sounds whispering, you‘re already dong it, it’s just figuring out how to make that sound loud enough to get picked up by a mic. It’s barely louder than my normal singing voice.
I can sort of mimic it at whisper levels. :rofl Think I'll just keep it at that.

If you do a youtube demo vid, just put ASMR in the title -- you'll get a lot of hits!
Isn't that how this is supposed to work? :idk

Not sure about people loading their ammo ahead of time and coming out guns ablazing. :hmm

Pretty sure no one has actually done that, though. :LOL:
Just to make sure no one misunderstands or jumps to conclusions (not that I think @la szum or anyone else is doing that...):

I started on my track above about a minute after posting the OP for this thread. I did have the two clean parts already worked out Friday, but all the rest was fly by the seat of my pants yesterday morning.

Right after I finished mine @LiveeviL2000 sent me the link to his song above and I urged him to post it here, not realizing it was completed on Friday, not Saturday and honestly not really caring cause it's so much fun and I knew it would get an appreciative audience in this thread and the DSC crowd would enjoy it. He's been advised that his first post will not earn a point towards the challenge - but have no fear, he's working on another right now - not sure anything tops Potty Time, but he's still a talented musician.

And, for those who don't know, @LiveeviL2000, @megametal7 and I were the band Ghost Shadows... we tried to get @DrewJD82 to sing for us but he was too busy at the time helping to launch some forum where people sit around and praise Badlanders all day while waiting for new Helix updates and the credit card payments from @FuzzyAce.

In the end, as we've seen in the past, the rules aren't here to be restrictive, but more to keep the spirit of this intact: do something with your gear - present tense.

We now return you to clinging tenaciously to a toasty buttocks, already in progress.
