Just as a side note here: almost any pedal having USB port that I've tried responds to midi program change messages.
And with a little search on YouTube, you'll see that there are loads of videos showing how to control "name-any-pedal-here" with the /chocolate/midi chief/midi commander/midi whatever app.
The only new thing in latest Zoom pedals is that they state it publicly... While they never did in previous ones.
With any midi host capable unit (a pc, a mobile phone, a tablet, a host-interface, a raspberry...) you can control almost everything in the market. Included the ToneX One, I guess.
And with a little search on YouTube, you'll see that there are loads of videos showing how to control "name-any-pedal-here" with the /chocolate/midi chief/midi commander/midi whatever app.
The only new thing in latest Zoom pedals is that they state it publicly... While they never did in previous ones.
With any midi host capable unit (a pc, a mobile phone, a tablet, a host-interface, a raspberry...) you can control almost everything in the market. Included the ToneX One, I guess.