Would this be an ok way to run my helix?


TGF Recording Artist
So a while back I bought these gore board presets. I don't usually advocate buying presets but these are really wild, complex sounds so i did and I kinda dig them. Never really used them in a band setting but i had an idea this weekend.

Could i run my normal preset into the front of my amp using the 1/4 out and setting that preset to 1/4 output only (not multi) and then change the gore presets to XLR output only and then use a XLR to 1/4 cable to go into the fx return on my amp?

The gore presets have amp sims and my preset does not. Well I guess they have amp and cab sims so I'd switch to just amp sims. I'm thinking that switching from my normal preset to the gore ones it shouldnt ever be feeding the front of the amp and fx return at the same time.

Would that damage the amp or no?

Use 4 cable method and any Helix preset you use that doesn’t have a fx send and fx return in use will send the whole ‘preset’ from Helix output into the amps effects return. Just because the cables are still running from fx send into front of amp and amps effects loop send into Helix fx return doesn’t matter since the signal from Helix is not sending or receiving anything on those cables if the preset in use has no fx send and fx return in the signal path.

So, no, no harm to amp.
Of course all this depends on you using an amp with an effects loop.
Use 4 cable method and any Helix preset you use that doesn’t have a fx send and fx return in use will send the whole ‘preset’ from Helix output into the amps effects return. Just because the cables are still running from fx send into front of amp and amps effects loop send into Helix fx return doesn’t matter since the signal from Helix is not sending or receiving anything on those cables if the preset in use has no fx send and fx return in the signal path.

So, no, no harm to amp.
Of course all this depends on you using an amp with an effects loop.


If I read what you're saying correctly though I don't want my main preset going into the fx return though. I want that one going into the front of the amp. I want the gore presets going into the fx return.

If I read what you're saying correctly though I don't want my main preset going into the fx return though. I want that one going into the front of the amp. I want the gore presets going into the fx return.
With the gore presets have no fx send or fx return in the Helix signal path and that solves that. The output of the Helix feeds the amps effects loop return.
With the ‘regular’ presets if you want the full signal path to flow through the the amps preamp stage and power amp stage on to the speaker then you will need to use the other Helix output into the front of the amp. So gore presets pan the signal to the output feeding the effects loop return on the amp and pan the regular presets feeding the front of the amp.
But by having the effects return occupied by a cable you are interrupting the signal path of your amp so a shunt is needed for the regular presets to bridge the amps effects loop send and return. I’m not sure Helix can solve that. And some amps need a cable plugged into the effects loop send to enable the effects loop return, even if you never send signal out of the effects loop send the jack needs to be occupied physically to have that circuit closed…

Why not have it wired up for 4 cable method as I described, even if you are only sending fx into the front and have no post preamp fx turned on? I think I must be missing something in your plan.
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With the gore presets have no fx send or fx return in the Helix signal path and that solves that. The output of the Helix feeds the amps effects loop return.
With the ‘regular’ presets if you want the full signal path to flow through the the amps preamp stage and power amp stage on to the speaker then you will need to use the other Helix output into the front of the amp. So gore presets pan the signal to the output feeding the effects loop return on the amp and pan the regular presets feeding the front of the amp.
But by having the effects return occupied by a cable you are interrupting the signal path of your amp so a shunt is needed for the regular presets to bridge the amps effects loop send and return. I’m not sure Helix can solve that. And some amps need a cable plugged into the effects loop send to enable the effects loop return, even if you never send signal out of the effects loop send the jack needs to be occupied physically to have that circuit closed…

Why not have it wired up for 4 cable method as I described, even if you are only sending fx into the front and have no post preamp fx turned on? I think I must be missing something in your plan.

I think you are correct. Thanks for explaining it to me.