What was your FIRST show (as a spectator)??

My prog awakening = 2112. And some small bits of Yes here and there from their 80's 'pop' era which isn't really prog)
My favorite Rush album and my favorite Yes album (by a country mile). 90125 is their purist-baiting, "Oh that's not really x" album. To which I say, "You're right. It's far better."

(There was a tour poster making the rounds for a tribute band called "YESH", allegedly performing these two albums. I don't know whether it was a real band or an AI hallucination. Can't seem to find it now. Maybe it was a good old fashioned mbenigni hallucination LOL.)
I remember Petra and White Heart!

Powerhouse was one of the first CDs I owned, my parents gave me a copy for my birthday.

My best friend had every Petra album on cassette and we would listen to them all the time at his house. He was later in a band who was produced by their bass player.
Powerhouse is a solid album.
Sabbath for me is the evil arm of Zeppelin. I love them for that! Priest and Maiden are the next wave with singers, riffs and playing I liked better ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Same for me, BUT… Masters of Reality was huge for me.

A friend and I (same friend with the Petra band) found a vinyl copy in the dollar bin at Goodwill one day and snuck it to my basement. Our minds were blown. I spent a lot of time drumming along with that album in my basement!
My first concert was on 04-17-1996. White Heart and Petra were on tour with Grammatrain and Johnny Q. Public as the opening acts. I was with my dad and it was at the University of Portland campus in Portland, OR. I would have been nine years old at the time.

I remember not liking Johnny Q. Public, but Grammatrain was really good. I bought their albums and still enjoy their music. White Heart's set was the highlight. They were a super tight band.

I will be kind of shocked if anyone on this forum has heard of any of these bands.

Whoa. Flashback! I did some Petra Covers in a Praise & Worship Band in the Detroit
'Burbs in 1990-1. No one was doing the Rock thing in Churches at that time and it
was some heavy lifting. We used to get old men and women protesting us when we
would do shows in Churches. For real. It was awkward to say the least. Yet, fun and
kind of rebellious, because the kids would go nuts when we played---sometimes
the Basement, and sometimes on the Altar (which is when we would have the old guard
protesting us and giving the entire thing the stink eye. :lol )

Looking back now I can see how much the times have changed, and how that entire
thing is more the norm than the exception in contemporary Churches.

I also did a stint in a Full Gospel P & W Band, but that was one Church only and we
didn't travel. That was whack. It was as Pentecostal as you could get without involving
any Snakes. :crazy
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1978. 10 years old. Garden State Arts Center. Frank Sinatra.
My parents wound up with an extra ticket and took me,:rofl
When I was 10, Elvis, Sinatra, Roger Miller and Zappa were most of my listening choices. There was some Benny Goodman in there, my Mom had a Ringo Starr album I really liked, Peter Paul and Mary, but those first 4 were my favs, though I was never able to find any Zappa on the jukeboxes which was very frustrating. I so wanted to play "Dynamo Hum" and "I'm The Slime" for the masses!
Imagine the impact in real time back then

I bet it was awesome!

I actually still have that same copy of the album we bought that day. Decided to pull it out and listen while packing up my gear for the show tonight.

Flogging Molly 2003 in Bozeman, MT. Opening band's name escapes me but they had a shirtless guy with a washboard hung around his neck as a percussion instrument. It was extremely loud, but they put on a great show.
Not my first show, but I was at this show. I was also underage, but back then that wasn't a problem lol
I was friends with the guys in Leeway so I went to a bunch of their shows.
I have always wanted to see Overkill but never have. Years of Decay would have been my favorite era. Whiplash would have been pretty vicious as well \m/