What Did You Do With Your Guitar(s) Today?

I finally plugged in that Kurzweil my dad gave me, it's not working. :cry:

When I get some motivation I'll read the manual, it could be a MIDI related issue and navigating that front panel is.....lordy.

But I figured after going through the trouble of setting up a new MIDI keyboard and plugging a bunch of shit in, I'd plug in my Triton rack and that's working great! The synth lead sound from Dream Theater's "Lines In The Sand" is one of the presets (minus the ribbon controller on my MIDI controller) and it's a fucking blast.

I wrote a tune a couple years ago that I never posted, based off a melody that fell out one day. I arranged it to have vocals but it sucks, so today I'm going to turn it into an instrumental guitar tune, or try to anyway. As much as I listened to instrumental guitar albums growing up, I've yet to write a single instrumental song.
Doing one of my least favorite things and doing some home tracking today along with DIs for some potential re amping

My Elite studio setup rn:

Trigger warning: chaotic disaster

Sorry to hear, that stuff sucks!
My brother has walking pneumonia too. A lot is going around right now.

Cheers dude. First time I've caught anything like this in three years. Sorry to hear about your brother, that's what I had three years ago and it was horrible. Hung around for ages too.
Cheers dude. First time I've caught anything like this in three years. Sorry to hear about your brother, that's what I had three years ago and it was horrible. Hung around for ages too.
Thanks. Yeah I've had bronchitis once years ago and it stuck around forever. Hated it. I don't usually get sick like that, it's normally stomach related issues if anything. Although Christmas break I caught something and was just run down with sinus headaches all week.
Wind cries Mary… I want to learn more Hendrix songs but they scare me a bit too be honest.

It sometimes difficult to pick a song. Because the first trials so to speak are always shitty. But after a week or so things start to flow and go better. But sometimes a song or a riff is just too difficult for now. So how to pick? I think it would be really beneficial for me to just pick Hendrix as a 2025 project. If I take 2 months for 1 song, I have learned 5 new songs in a year and all those techniques related to it. Instead of floating around trying all kinds of songs.

Okay besides that I messed up and decided to try the JMT45. But went back quickly to the Super Reverb. I added a double cab with the 20 watt Marshalls and I just love that combination. I turned the drive up to 8 and volume in guitar at 8/9 and I have this wonderful break up now while the tone is still clean.
I installed and wired up speakers in a 412 cabinet I got yesterday. I got to play it some yesterday evening, but played some more this afternoon. It sounds pretty damn awesome. Apparently Celestion Vintage 30 speakers have been made in the UK the past year or two, so those plus the two G12H-30 70tth Anniversary are UK made and sound great together.
Wind cries Mary… I want to learn more Hendrix songs but they scare me a bit too be honest.

It sometimes difficult to pick a song. Because the first trials so to speak are always shitty. But after a week or so things start to flow and go better. But sometimes a song or a riff is just too difficult for now. So how to pick? I think it would be really beneficial for me to just pick Hendrix as a 2025 project. If I take 2 months for 1 song, I have learned 5 new songs in a year and all those techniques related to it. Instead of floating around trying all kinds of songs.

Okay besides that I messed up and decided to try the JMT45. But went back quickly to the Super Reverb. I added a double cab with the 20 watt Marshalls and I just love that combination. I turned the drive up to 8 and volume in guitar at 8/9 and I have this wonderful break up now while the tone is still clean.

Work on what motivates you to pick up the guitar. It's hard to want to pick it up (unless you're TSJMajesty) when you're going to sit down and run scales, but learning the main lick of a song might be the thing that gets it in your hands after a long day of work and kids.

It's good to get some stuff under your fingers are far as learning the notes even if you're not nailing it when you go to play it, it's still learned information and you can use them as progress markers. Those pull-offs/hammer-ons within chords Hendrix does can be tricky, but if you learn the notes and noodle with it the pieces start to fit as time goes on.