I mean that’s on you if you choose to work like that, but even a small session with say 40 tracks would have more plugins to fill even a massive screen. I’m not sure if the benefit of keeping a tape sim on the screen all the time. I can understand maybe having some metering plugins on screen all the time, or a tuner or a mix bus limiter. Tape machines are essentially playback mediums.
I think the main benefit of having controls spread around a UI with some empty space is that it avoids the plugin becoming cramped, busy and distracting. It also keeps it from blending in with the DAW in the background. Visual contrast is good - it draws your eyes and focus to where it matters.
In fact - I just looked at several of the plugins myself and
@LeftyLoungeLizard posted, and quite a lot of them have a fair amount of empty space on the sides with the controls focussed a bit towards the middle. The Logic stock compressor even does this a bit. The RME/Massenburg/Exponential Audio stuff that I described as bad all had controls that pushed right out towards the edges (on top of many other problems).