I decided to focus on that ~400-500 notes-per-minute area of my alt-picking that trips me up, and gives me trouble playing evenly. Once I'm at 16th notes @ 120-140 bpm, my picking smooths out, but the riffs aren't as clean.
So I practiced triplets at around 130, and 16th notes at around 90, for hours and hours yesterday. I worked up to about 105, and then went back to my faster tempos, and stuff was
noticeably cleaner! Yea!!
So I think I'll stay with this approach for a while.
Oh and I learned something about my batteries in the Majesty- I'm throwing them away way too early.
The red light went on, but my new batteries are out in my truck, so due to being on crutches, I figured I'd just keep playing until there was no sound. After at least 3 more hours of playing, they were still working.
I was previously chucking them because I heard a degradation of my tone. I'd flip the guitar over, and sure enough, that red LED was flashing. But after continuing on with them last night, now I'm not so sure. Weird.
Still seeing improvements in my legato too, both in speed and cleanliness, so I ain't giving up on those handful of riffs I'm trying to nail. But I still sometimes wonder...., really, what's the point?