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Same band which is pretty much brothers from Austria. This is all AXE FXII for the record.

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I dug that

It's a great tune to jam along with as long as you don't try to play to the beat. I've tried a number of times to count it out and I can't get it. Every time I think I'm locked in they throw a tiny curveball. Please post if you can figure it out.
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Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is better than the best? What can be more Blackmore than Blackmore?

I love this! I do not give a damn about how he is currently playing the old Purple or Rainbow songs. This has all the nuances of his personal style at its best.

I've just ordered the last album "Second Element", and I am going to cut a remix with the guitar solos only

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Goddamn, this track is quite the earworm. Can't believe how well Faulkner and Romero are working together here.

Awesome! :cheers

The entire album is killer. Ronnie never sounded better and is pushing himself in new ways. And Richie is a riff machine.

So good! :headbang
Going back to being more Blackmore than Blackmore. This has it all the Blackmorian nuances on steroids

That delicate use of the slide is something that I've never managed to master. And these bendings that go up without arriving to to the perfect pitch create more feeling than a perfect pitch bending.

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