Well… sh*t


So I just sold my /13 JRT.

The main reason I decided to sell it was because I was really underwhelmed with the tones I was getting out of it. It did not live up to my expectations. It was dark, flat, and dull.

So I’m going over everything before boxing it up to ship and I discover that the previous owner had the 16ohm speaker plugged into one of the 8ohm outputs from the amp… :unsure:

Just out of curiosity I switched it to the 16ohm output, fired it up and plugged in my Strat.

OMG :love:love:love:love:love

Some of the best amp tones I’ve ever heard come out. It sounds insanely good.

Like I-will-be-haunted-by-those-tones-for-the-rest-of-my-life-if-I-sell-this kind of good.

I’m thinking about backing out of the sale and dealing with negative feedback
I couldn't back out. My mistake, buyer is expecting the amp. However, I would just be straight with him, tell him what happened, and only if he's ok with it, would I keep it.

I could see the opposite type of thread, where the buyer posted this scenario, and the seller wanted to back out, I think people would side with the buyer.

Just my own opinion of course.
So I just sold my /13 JRT.

The main reason I decided to sell it was because I was really underwhelmed with the tones I was getting out of it. It did not live up to my expectations. It was dark, flat, and dull.

So I’m going over everything before boxing it up to ship and I discover that the previous owner had the 16ohm speaker plugged into one of the 8ohm outputs from the amp… :unsure:

Just out of curiosity I switched it to the 16ohm output, fired it up and plugged in my Strat.

OMG :love:love:love:love:love

Some of the best amp tones I’ve ever heard come out. It sounds insanely good.

Like I-will-be-haunted-by-those-tones-for-the-rest-of-my-life-if-I-sell-this kind of good.

I’m thinking about backing out of the sale and dealing with negative feedback
Just tell him the truth... that your account was hacked and you are deleting tons of fake listings under your account. :bag
So I just sold my /13 JRT.

The main reason I decided to sell it was because I was really underwhelmed with the tones I was getting out of it. It did not live up to my expectations. It was dark, flat, and dull.

So I’m going over everything before boxing it up to ship and I discover that the previous owner had the 16ohm speaker plugged into one of the 8ohm outputs from the amp… :unsure:

Just out of curiosity I switched it to the 16ohm output, fired it up and plugged in my Strat.

OMG :love:love:love:love:love

Some of the best amp tones I’ve ever heard come out. It sounds insanely good.

Like I-will-be-haunted-by-those-tones-for-the-rest-of-my-life-if-I-sell-this kind of good.

I’m thinking about backing out of the sale and dealing with negative feedback

You broke Rule #1 of the Gearseller's Code: Never play anything you just sold (outside of testing it). When you do it tempts the
Gods of Regret to pay you a visit. :ROFLMAO:

I can't imagine that would make that drastic and dramatic of a difference. You just broke Rule # 1 and are now paying the price
for doing so.
You broke Rule #1 of the Gearseller's Code: Never play anything you just sold (outside of testing it). When you do it tempts the
Gods of Regret to pay you a visit. :ROFLMAO:

I can't imagine that would make that drastic and dramatic of a difference. You just broke Rule # 1 and are now paying the price
for doing so.

Hahahaha my buddy told me to stop playing the PRS before I sent it to him, "Stop f*ckin' playin' it before I end up not getting a guitar" :rofl
Isn't is Vox-ish flavored?

I’m not entirely sure, they just say something vague about the 6v6 side sounding like “some of our favorite late 50's American 6V6 amplifiers” and the el84 side sounding like “our favorite EL84/EL34 English amplifiers”.

It doesn’t really read “tweed” or “Vox” to me.

My theory is the 6v6 side sounds like it’s based on a Gibson (maybe a Skylark) and the el84 sounds like it might be based on a Marshall (maybe a 1974x).

I could be way off base, but that’s what it sounds like to me. And the Gibson would fit with the use of 5879 preamp tubes
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You broke Rule #1 of the Gearseller's Code: Never play anything you just sold (outside of testing it). When you do it tempts the
Gods of Regret to pay you a visit. :ROFLMAO:

I can't imagine that would make that drastic and dramatic of a difference. You just broke Rule # 1 and are now paying the price
for doing so.

Yep, I’m a strong believer in that rule. Usually as soon as I decide to put something up for sale it goes into storage and I never even look at it again.

But I honestly don’t think that’s the only thing going on this time.

After this happened I did some reading about impedance mismatching and what effects it can have on tone and it seems to fit with what I’m hearing.

Before, the low end wasn’t tight and wasn’t very defined, it was really mid-forward, and it didn’t have any sparkle or chime.

What I read is that when you plug a 16ohm speaker into an 8ohm amp the power will drop and mids will be accentuated.

My theory is that the low end might have been seeming weak and loose because of the power drop and I wasn’t getting the top end sparkle because the mids were so forward they were overpowering the highs?


I don’t know, but it definitely sounds way better now
I kept it and cancelled the sale.

The guy was cool and understood and told me to reach out if I change my mind.

I’m prepping tones for my next run of shows starting in a few weeks and I’m really excited to start working out the tones with this amp!
I kept it and cancelled the sale.

The guy was cool and understood and told me to reach out if I change my mind.

I’m prepping tones for my next run of shows starting in a few weeks and I’m really excited to start working out the tones with this amp!

Good call, there are only a few gear decisions that haunt me. Always great to see one of those coming and avoid it.
