Weird crackle and pops and "clock type noises" from Helix Native


I'm getting a crackle that sounds like clock problems (yes I know @Digital Igloo is terrified of my setup, but the only plugin that this happens to is Helix Native and ONLY if an amp model is in the chain )

Many instances of Helix. Seems to happen after 9 or so


Goes away when amp model is bypassed

RT Longest block never gets to 3/4 of buffer

RT CPU never goes near 20%

Substituting another plugin like Ignite or TonelibGFX or Tonex, while running Helix Native with no amp before and after it for the amp (doubling the number of Helix Native instances!) results in no crackle and pop

Doubling the buffer doesn't help.

Any ideas what is going on and what I could try?
I have no idea—I'll run dozens of instances of Native with zero issues (but that's on a Mac with a single interface). It's definitely worth opening a ticket. Sorry. :cry:
Using Mac as well.
I never run more than 5 or 6 instances of Native when tracking, while the buffer is set to 64.
When mixing I could run more but sometimes I'll bounce guitars and deactivate the Native plugin track and save for later use.
I've only run into a few issues like Native crashing Studio One sometimes when double clicking the plugin to open. It hasn't happened lately though.
I'd love to know why that mystery buffer shows up. Sometimes the PDC will be at zero and after I add some models it will go to 16. But when i remove models and restart the playback engine, it stays on
No. As stated in the OP, doubling the buffer size doesn’t matter. Also even at the lowest buffer, RT longest block never even reaches three quarters of the buffer size. Even goofier, it doesn’t always happen. Even in the same project.
@Digital Igloo I'm going to update this in the ticket, but this morning I was rearranging USB ports and generally trying to really make sure the system is rock solid. I realized that with the combo of scream 808 and vintage digital delay, I could get these pops nearly every time and swapping to simple delay removed them. Vintage delay without scream 808 was usually ok. Vintage delay with pillars instead was almost always ok, but 808 with simple delay was fine. I'm going to see if there isnt something weird in my chain feeding some fast hi frequency info in that could be making a click because of the delay's way of handling buffers