Video Games

Confirmed last night: I still have a (ridiculously OP*) level ~150 character ready and waiting for Shadow of the Erdtree.


*Magma Guillotine = WTF :D
Pro tip for Elden Ring PC players who use a controller with enough buttons: Map the keyboard key for dodge to a separate button.

Regularly dodge is "dodge when button released", because run is mapped to the hold of that same action. But the keyboard action is "dodge when button pressed". It makes a difference to reacting to attacks on instinct.

Steam Input really should be the standard for controller mapping.

I play with the Steam Controller. I've already broken one playing Sekiro, parried too much! Since it's discontinued, I don't know what I'll do when this one dies.
Confirmed last night: I still have a (ridiculously OP*) level ~150 character ready and waiting for Shadow of the Erdtree.

*Magma Guillotine = WTF :D

Waiting to see how my character I speed ran the other day fares. Level 119 with just the chainmail armour I bought from the first merchant and then Yuri's katana, which is only at +6, which I only got because I did a detour to do his mission so I could get the Purifying Crystal Tear for the Mohg fight.
Got Rune Factory 4 a few weeks back and been playing through that. It's a fun little action RPG. I will say it's not as addictive/engaging as Stardew Valley but has some of those elements.

I never did finish Zelda BOTW. I got kind of bored at some point.
Gotten a bit further in Like A Dragon Gaiden, enough to unlock side stories and more abilities. It's good old classic Yakuza fun in every way, but there's definitely a lot of "fetch this guy this item" stuff as short side tasks that get you points and money. I mean these games have always had a lot of grindy stuff that you can always just ignore if you want.

Also in other news, bought the Elden Ring DLC. I think I might have to play it right at release because otherwise it's very likely I will get spoiled at some point. I kinda wanted to get LAD Gaiden out of the way but will probably alternate between the two.
I think I might have to play it right at release because otherwise it's very likely I will get spoiled at some point.
Yeah, I just skimmed through part of a review, and the entire time I was like, "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!" :D
I realised I might need all the bell bearings for the DLC to buy smithing stones up to level 8 so I just rushed up to the Godskin Duo beating it and every boss inbetween to achieve that.

My character is level 121 now with a +25 katana.

Feeling kinda ready.
I realised I might need all the bell bearings for the DLC to buy smithing stones up to level 8 so I just rushed up to the Godskin Duo beating it and every boss inbetween to achieve that.

My character is level 121 now with a +25 katana.

Feeling kinda ready.
I just wish Elden Ring did more with its gameplay, since it's a new game rather than a sequel.
Yeah, it is Dark Souls Open World v1.0 (well, 1.5 now). You can see where they hit the cut-off mark and just stopped development on some ideas. Colosseums most obviously, but also coventants in the making (2 Invasion fingers? Madness healing item?) and some of the schools of magic. 2 useless Briar spells but gear to enhance Briar magic? The placement of the Spirit Summons Bell Bearings is weird and way into the late game yet you pick up spirits all over the place in the early game.

Damn them - they just Nerfed my beloved Blasphemous Blade!

But the next one they make I expect even better from the lessons learned.
Started the Elden Ring DLC. Immediately got wrecked by some beast claw dude out of nowhere. After a few tries revenge was mine though.

Then I went to challenge the optional knight boss nearby...that mofo took me a lot of tries to defeat until I figured out when to punish him. He has so much health and does so much damage even to my level 200 character. Whittling him down took seemingly forever.

Also, From Software probably puts some junior devs in charge of menu development, it's a total amateur hour. The new upgrade menu is the same nonsense where the menu items don't get disabled if you cannot actually use them, but instead it just says "you don't have enough of upgrade material" after asking if you want to upgrade.

Similarly the recent items menu is amateur hour nonsense when things like your flask refills can end up as recent items...
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I spent part of my lunch break just trying to get a foothold on Shadow, and so far, if I'm being honest, what a PITA. I posted here looking for help finding the entry point, but finally got as far as the Consecrated Snowfield, and thought, "Oh maybe it will be fun to try and find my own way from here." LOL.

My main takeaway is that the people who decided on this point of entry had no respect for the fact that a lot of people would be coming back to the game after having shelved it for a year or more. It's like "Game of Thrones-itis" where you're expected to remember dozens of fantasy-foreign names as if they'd been on your mind in the year+ since the last season. In the case of Elden/Shadow it's, "Let's have the player spontaneously go to this super obscure place he's forgotten ever existed. When he gets there, let's make it a place where he can barely see because there's an impenetrable snow/fog filter. Yeah! A place with lots of godlike bosses wandering around the open world. That'll be the perfect backdrop while he tries to remember how to organize his inventory!"

Speaking of inventory, I'd forgotten how ridiculously outsized everything about this game is. It kind of creeps up on you, but even by the end of the main game it was all kind of eyeroll-worthy. The map(s, all of them), the inventory screen(s, all of them), the spells, the buffs, the item buffs, and so on. After some time away, just looking at all of it can make you cross-eyed.

I'm sure I'll love the game (intermittently, at least) in a week's time. But man, From isn't making it easy.
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I've been playing Assassin's Creed Odyssey still, that game is ridiculously huge.

My PS4 is starting to sound like an airport with the fan noise and I hear the harddrive making more noise than before, so instead of waiting until it died I went and grabbed a PS5 finally. Just setting it up so far is a better experience than the PS4, only having the apps I want and not having to wade through a ton I'll never use is definitely nice. :rofl

Downloading GTAV now because I've got some old gaming buddies I haven't played with in years on there I'm anxious to play with. I've got Death Stranding Director's Cut queued up as well, I REALLY can't wait for that one. Now I think I can finally give Cyberpunk a legit chance and by the time I'm done all that it should be about time to play through the last two God of War games again.
The DLC is pretty huge and From is extremely vague this time about where you're supposed to go. You get a dinky ass map from an NPC that you are supposed to figure out. I have so far ended up in nothing but optional dungeons!

Also encountered an optional boss that was ridiculously fast with stupid long combos leaving you very little room to breathe. I don't know how they intend to do that fight with anything but the very fastest weapons and a helper. I had to use a rot rapier on him because there's just no time to do anything but dodge or block most of the time.

I feel like From's DLC bosses have always veered on the side of "hey, let's throw a huge healthbar, multibosses or some other feature that makes it kinda unfair" over having excellent mechanics that keep the player on their toes. Bloodborne DLC is an exception. I wish we had more Ludwig, Lady Maria and Orphan of Kos level bosses - tough but with clearly telegraphed moves. So far I've encountered just one boss that was really cool to fight, and the rest are the kind where you have time for one hit before having to dodge or block again.
The DLC is pretty huge and From is extremely vague this time about where you're supposed to go. You get a dinky ass map from an NPC that you are supposed to figure out. I have so far ended up in nothing but optional dungeons!

Also encountered an optional boss that was ridiculously fast with stupid long combos leaving you very little room to breathe. I don't know how they intend to do that fight with anything but the very fastest weapons and a helper. I had to use a rot rapier on him because there's just no time to do anything but dodge or block most of the time.

I feel like From's DLC bosses have always veered on the side of "hey, let's throw a huge healthbar, multibosses or some other feature that makes it kinda unfair" over having excellent mechanics that keep the player on their toes. Bloodborne DLC is an exception. I wish we had more Ludwig, Lady Maria and Orphan of Kos level bosses - tough but with clearly telegraphed moves. So far I've encountered just one boss that was really cool to fight, and the rest are the kind where you have time for one hit before having to dodge or block again.
At this point, I’ll settle for finding the damned DLC, let alone figuring out where to go or what to do once I get there.
I spent my time on Elden Ring today just exploring as much of the map as possible without committing to any boss fights.

There are some really awesome places to visit in there. There's still plenty of map to uncover.
F*** it. $40 and 2 hours later and I literally cannot find this idiotic DLC. Every article I read and every video I watch is different, but equally unhelpful. Would anyone care to throw me a bone before I rage quit a game I never even got to play?

This “hardcore” FromSoft shit used to impress me. Now… when I’ve just burned through what little free time I had in between playing Overcooked with my kid? Much less so.

EDIT: Never mind. “Press the right thumb stick to go underground.” Dear FromSoft, IT’S BEEN TWO F***ING YEARS!!!

(Part of the reason I’m so salty is because I just read an interview the other day where Miyazaki was going on and on about how he intended Shadow to be playable without resorting to online FAQs, etc. And the very beginning of the content is, “Go to this place that nothing indicates you should go to.”)
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