Video Games

Re: Dragon's Dogma 2...

It's a slow-burn of a game, for sure (as was the original). I'm probably dozens of hours in, and I'm still in that, "I think I'm just about to decide whether I like it" frame of mind. As of setting down the controller down last night, I think I can say... yes, I do. But either way, personal preference aside, I think it's a very good, very impressive title.

I'm not having any issues with frame rate on PS5 - not even in the capital city. I don't know which platforms are causing the most complaints. Apart from lighting and facial features during dialog (which can be a little too reminiscent of Skyrim), the game is very pretty. I have my issues with actual gameplay (which of course I'll get to LOL), but performance wouldn't even have occurred to me.

As for micro-transactions... it boils down to two questions:

1. Do they compromise immersion? Well, put it this way: I've been playing the game for hours and hours, and I literally couldn't tell you how to make a micro-transaction purchase. I assume it was some main menu item I ignored because (shocker) my intention was to Start Game. Based on what I've read online, MTXs allow you to purchase fast travel items, and I'll admit I'd like more of those. But this comes back around to the previous point about "a slow-burn of a game".

2. Do they reveal the developer/ publisher as being greedy scumbags? Well, realistically, no one is developing AAA games in hopes of not turning a profit. As to whether there's a viable business model in charging a one-time retail price and leaving well enough alone, I'll let the accountants decide. (I'm too busy playing video games.) As the consumer, it comes down to this: I dropped $70 and closed my wallet. Do I regret the purchase or not? Believe me, at the now-standard $70, I almost always experience buyer's remorse. This time, FWIW, I don't. :idk

Pros: tons of character and equipment customization, an incredibly convincing sense of running around a fascinating world "adventuring" (i.e. exactly the "some day" game I imagined as a young RPG enthusiast), and an uncanny impression of "pawns" and other NPCs trying to help you and one another.

Cons: a sometimes overwrought "workflow" experience as you try to hire and fire pawns and manage their inventories along the way. Confusing (to me) UI navigating between maps and quest objectives. Super vague combat with no lock-on and a floaty camera. (My inevitable, "I wish they'd just cribbed Dark Souls here" complaint), a zillion anti-climactic chests that are almost certainly more valuable than their contents LOL.

tl;dr - Can't wait to get back to it. :)
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I haven't played much of Dragon's Dogma 2 yet. All I can say at this early stage is it's an explorer's dream. If you love searching maps you'll probably love this. In fact you might get so dis tracted by it you'll procrastinate all your quests.
In fact you might get so distracted by it you'll procrastinate all your quests.
I still haven't decided whether I love or hate this aspect of the game. The passage of time is difficult to trace with any precision, and almost every quest has a loosely-defined "ticking clock" associated with it. Meanwhile, everything about the surrounding world beckons you to run off and explore. This ought to be a good thing - the best part of the game, even - but you never know how much of the story progression you're blowing up simply by way of trying to enjoy yourself.
Re: Dragon's Dogma 2...

I'm not having any issues with frame rate on PS5 - not even in the capital city. I don't know which platforms are causing the most complaints. Apart from lighting and facial features during dialog (which can be a little too reminiscent of Skyrim), the game is very pretty. I have my issues with actual gameplay (which of course I'll get to LOL), but performance wouldn't even have occurred to me.
Based on Digital Foundry's analysis, PS5/Xbox seem at least a bit more stable than PC where the dips become much more jarring. The PS5 runs it at somewhere slightly above 30 fps with random drops under 30 fps which sucks, stable 30 fps would be more preferable. Hopefully patches improve the situation.

The microtransactions are a bait and switch - not found in reviews unless reviewers go back to update their articles and videos. They are pure greed even if you don't engage with them. I hope they don't get a single penny out of them.

I've looked at some livestreams of the game and I'll probably skip it. The artstyle and gameplay doesn't really do it for me.

The lack of a lock on is weird.
Based on Digital Foundry's analysis, PS5/Xbox seem at least a bit more stable than PC where the dips become much more jarring. The PS5 runs it at somewhere slightly above 30 fps with random drops under 30 fps which sucks, stable 30 fps would be more preferable. Hopefully patches improve the situation.

The microtransactions are a bait and switch - not found in reviews unless reviewers go back to update their articles and videos. They are pure greed even if you don't engage with them. I hope they don't get a single penny out of them.

I've looked at some livestreams of the game and I'll probably skip it. The artstyle and gameplay doesn't really do it for me.

The lack of a lock on is weird.
Shame - you were exactly the person I was waiting on a review from, before I gave in and bought it. :D You said earlier that you really loved the original, right? (Or am I confusing you with someone else? Perhaps @Devin.) Did that one have lock on during combat? How does the art style/ gameplay differ in the sequel, versus the original, as to put you off?

So far, I think I'm enjoying the sequel more. But who can say? A decade is a very long time. :)
Shame - you were exactly the person I was waiting on a review from, before I gave in and bought it. :D You said earlier that you really loved the original, right? (Or am I confusing you with someone else? Perhaps @Devin.) Did that one have lock on during combat? How does the art style/ gameplay differ in the sequel, versus the original, as to put you off?

So far, I think I'm enjoying the sequel more. But who can say? A decade is a very long time. :)
Yeah you are mistaking me for someone else, never played the first game.
I did not like the fact that none of the pre-release reviews and information mentioned this all too common blight on gaming.

I know I can skip them, it just leaves a sour taste. Capcom havce already issued an apology and if we collectively object to it, so much the better for all in future, IMHO.

Honest feedback = crying? Sure, I'm bawling my eyes out, the controller trembling in my hands through my sobbing grief as I make my way through the pixels... :facepalm

People are straight up lying about the mtx in reviews saying common items in the game are locked behind a paywall which simply is not true

To me that's as scummy (if not more scummy) than an mtx option being there in the first place
Shame - you were exactly the person I was waiting on a review from, before I gave in and bought it. :D You said earlier that you really loved the original, right? (Or am I confusing you with someone else? Perhaps @Devin.) Did that one have lock on during combat? How does the art style/ gameplay differ in the sequel, versus the original, as to put you off?

So far, I think I'm enjoying the sequel more. But who can say? A decade is a very long time. :)

Yeah that was me; been waiting 12 years for this game lol (the original is one of my favorite games ever)

The gameplay in 2 is practically exactly the same as the original
I’m not sure what this means. Or how I would confirm whether it’s working. “Soft lock” literally sounds like a contradiction in terms to me. :D

Attacks are automatically locked on to the nearest enemy you're facing towards, but you're still free to turn and face the other direction to attack something else (unlike Dark Souls for example)

This is true for all classes but especially apparent if you play as an archer or caster
Judging from gameplay clips it looks similar to The Witcher 3 or Ghost of Tsushima?
Attacking in the direction of an enemy will automatically focus on them, although without actually activating a hard lock?

In those games your character is gently nudged in the direction of the enemy you're pointing the analog stick towards, but you can freely attack a different one without manipulating a camera-lock ala Souls games. Although The Witcher 3 does have a lock-on available if you want it. Can't remember if Tsushima does too.

I'm really intrigued by this game and will definitely grab it eventually. Probably later this year when some performance patches have been applied.
30 fps doesn't bother me as long as it's consistent and smooth, and I'm in no hurry.
Been enjoying DD2 a lot more today now that I'm getting into the swing of it.

I met a level 44 sorceress Pawn on the road who I was able to recruit for no money for some reason. Not long after our ox-cart got attacked by a griffon and she melted it. Lol.

It's not perfect though. Earlier I found myself in deep water after entering a cave which had enemies way above my level. I got killed and the auto-save put me right back in the middle of it and it took a few goes to make my way out.
I met a level 44 sorceress Pawn on the road who I was able to recruit for no money for some reason. Not long after our ox-cart got attacked by a griffon and she melted it. Lol.

Generally that means that pawn belongs to someone on your friends list (friend's pawns are free hires)

And yeah the autosave can definitely put you in some fucked up situations :rofl
I might restart tonight. I usually do eight or so hours into these type of games when I get a better idea of it. I noticed there's no new game option. You have to delete your save. Very silly.
They're supposedly adding a second save slot

There probably isn't much value to restarting now though unless you failed a ton of quests or something
Just a thought:

I've got the PS5 purchase code for Gods of War ~ Ragnarok and would be willing to part with it for a reasonable s/h price if anyone wants it.

PS5 was in short supply so I had to pay an extra $100 to buy it with this code, which I've obviously never used 'cause I only play racing sims.