A few hours into Dragon's Dogma 2 and I just can't seem to get excited about playing it much. The combat is OK but a bit of a muddle so far - probably due to my lack of facing a good enemy thanks to not playing much.
I don’t know if I played it too much for the first few days, or whether it has some legitimate pacing issues, or what. All I know is I went from frighteningly addicted to burnt out and indifferent very abruptly. I kind of made my peace with the so-so combat, and I was really enjoying the exploration, etc., but the quests can be quite tedious, arbitrary, even broken.
(This seems to have worsened now that I’ve arrived in Battahl.)
NPCs will talk to you without any prompting while you’re trying to execute one quest, thereby initiating a second quest simultaneously, which will maybe annoy an NPC you’re escorting, which will maybe cause them to vanish. And maybe (according to Google, which I shouldn't need to consult in order to play a video game) that NPC will mysteriously re-exist if you go back to the place where they first spawned, but then you’ve got to get them back to your destination, to the tune of two Ferrystones. And maybe you can test this out but maybe not because you never know when that f***ing autosave is going to randomly trigger. The last time I played, I walked into a room, someone automatically started babbling about a major storyline quest, and before I had any idea what they were on about, I’d failed it. I immediately quit without saving, reloaded, and found myself in a location I’d never visited before… having failed said quest permanently. I’m 50 hours in, so I guess that’s that.
These kinds of things devour good will very quickly. It’s a good thing my first ~40 hours with the game were plenty of fun, for the most part.