Tube Screamer

Tube Screamer

  • Yes

    Votes: 43 84.3%
  • No

    Votes: 8 15.7%

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I guess I have best of both worlds?
Analogman modded my 1983 SD-1 so I have the TS toggle.

I tend to use the TS side more than the SD-1.
If you need a TS for ants, I found one for you

Havent seen this one mentioned but it gets you close to both (though more Bad Monkey than TS?)


If you need a TS for ants, I found one for you

This looks pretty cool to integrate to a modeler. I thought someone had shared a picture of one on top of the Two Note Opus.
In the back of my mind, I wondered how much audible difference the W-taper or regular audio taper when the tone control is at noon.Probably not much, but it could play a role in matching the frequency response of tone controls.
With a linear pot you'd get minimal difference at noon, but with an audio taper it will not be "neutral" in that position, i.e. you will not have half resistance on either side of the wiper, it will be off to one side.
Someone just bought himself a Dumbloid ODS, mainly because it was a no-brainer deal (230€ mint w/box).

I thought it might fit this thread, since it's basically a modded/hot-rodded TS.

Toanz are in the goop.