Tube Screamer

Tube Screamer

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    Votes: 37 82.2%
  • No

    Votes: 8 17.8%

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OD808, SD-1, Plumes, very different filtering and tone control behavior.

These tests are with Gain/Drive on 0.

Three pedals Tone on 12:00:

To get the OD808 sound like the diode-less SD-1 with Tone on 12:00, I had to set the OD808 Tone to 03:30.
OD808 vs SD1.png

All three pedals Tone on 12:00, 03:00, Full.



IIRC, the Plumes has a tone control similar to a Big Muff, where it blends between an LPF and an HPF. Clever design, but I always find it too limiting for my taste.
Still experimenting with the Maxon and now the Plumes.
So far the Plumes and SD-1 eat Maxon's lunch, the OD808 is weak in comparison to the massive volume boost the diode-less SD-1 and Plumes on Mode 2 have.
the tones beyond what the maxon can offer aren’t really of much benefit (although they do make some variations of the circuit with more output).

I can think of a handful of (decent) famous tones that use an SD-1, with the tubescreamers it’s essentially a forgone conclusion that one was used.

Removed the diodes from the OD808, now it's very similar to my diode-less SD-1, both with Tone on 12:00.
SD-1 has a few dB less below 80Hz, schematic confirms.
This is the best type of boost for both my JCM800 and 6505 in my personal experience, a diode-less TS.
Plumes on Mode 2 (diode-less) is brighter yet, and MUCH louder.

Gain at 0.
diodless vs.png

More Gain.
SD-1 gain on 9:00 (1Meg Linear pot).
OD808 gain on 01:00 (500k Log pot).
more gain.png

OD808 (diode-less) Volume 10 max.
Plumes (Mode 2) Volume 12:30.
Gain 0, Tone 12:00.
plumes od808 diodeless.png
I'm curious about bypassing diodes though.
Buy JOYO JF-01 Vintage Overdrive and remove (clip) the diodes.

I really hate the sound of diodes in the op-amp feedback loop, sounds like a blend of overdrive underneath the clean sound, poop in my ears.
Without the diodes it becomes the perfect mid-boost to tighten and/or drive amps into high gain.
I love my keeley ts9dx. It was the first one I ever got in a trade and never tried others lol. It's cool that it has a few different models in it.

On the helix I go back and forth between the TS and horizon drive. Currently on the TS after a long time with the horizon.
Removed the diodes from the OD808, now it's very similar to my diode-less SD-1, both with Tone on 12:00.
SD-1 has a few dB less below 80Hz, schematic confirms.
This is the best type of boost for both my JCM800 and 6505 in my personal experience, a diode-less TS.
Plumes on Mode 2 (diode-less) is brighter yet, and MUCH louder.

Gain at 0.
View attachment 23753

More Gain.
SD-1 gain on 9:00 (1Meg Linear pot).
OD808 gain on 01:00 (500k Log pot).
View attachment 23754

OD808 (diode-less) Volume 10 max.
Plumes (Mode 2) Volume 12:30.
Gain 0, Tone 12:00.
View attachment 23755
Hmm wouldn't have thought clipping the diodes affected the high end that much even with drive 0. Interesting.
I own an original (possibly first series) TS-808 (malaysian chip and all that blurb...). And I keep forgetting where it is all the time. Which should sufficiently describe how much I love it.
For boosting duties, I way prefer an RC boost (or rather some clones, simply because they're smaller). Can be almost a clean boost, can add some dirty bits, can just tighten up the bass or work as a treble or mid boost (obviously by dialing back both B and T), too. I own the original and 3 clones for a reason. Given boost functionalities, they are what the TS always dreamt to be like.