Tuba from H*LL

I see no tuba!

homer simpson episode 6 GIF
That is awesome! There are some killer fuzzes that can do 2 octave down tones
that are super sick. I had a few Paul Trombetta Designs pedals back in the day
that were excellent at that.
Rotobone is the trumpet sounding fuzz iirc. Those things are like $700 or something now :oops:
Rotobone is the trumpet sounding fuzz iirc. Those things are like $700 or something now :oops:

Yup. He made me #001 of the Velocitine in like 2014, and I was dumb and sold it. I didn't
see him becoming as boutique-y as he did, even though he was boutique-y back then. Now
he must be super-boutique-y. :LOL:

Had a Rotobone, a few Mini Bones, some oddball Coloursound Boosters, and a few others.
His genius was in the variable Caps on the Input side. Such a cool and unique design.