A most awesome Train Wreck!


As some of you guys know I am friends with amp guru Tony Bruno and he often asks me to demo his amps while he experiments with different circuits etc. So yesterday I was helping him dial in a revision of one of his famous amps and I remembered him telling me that he had built a Trainwreck Express clone. He and Ken were friends and Tony knows what a good 'Wreck sounds like. We'll let me tell you friends, plugging a Strat into this amp and turning up the volume was an almost religious experience lol. What a great sounding, warm, thick, juicy, sound. I will now spend the rest of the weekend trying to convince him to sell it to me haha. Killer diller, I woke up thinking about it this morning and I just had to share.
That's one of the greatest sounds there is - period. Also one of my bucket list amps.

Where is this amp at FC? (Arent you in FL?). Would love to check it out if possible!
thats way fun. theres really something to the crazy immediate response thats almost telepathic in those amps!

i really liked the night train that i played a LONG time back, and iirc he designed that!

Yes, it's wired to your hand. If you're a feel / dynamics player, but don't want an overly polite tone, this is it.

Watch from 1min

This may have been the amp that I played at Ultrasound (I rented time there just to audition amps. Won't forget it!)
A friend of mine has an original in his studio.
While it does sound amazing it’s not my thing. It is however hard to describe just how big the sound is and how interactive. No video does these things justice unfortunately.
at some point, somebody made what some regarded as a 'solid state trainwreck'- i cant remember what its name was, but lance keltner got hold of it, demoed it and sounded very much like himself and very cool. i looked for one for a while but eventually gave up :lol: i cant claim tove loved the z wreck, but gads id play a liverpool in a heartbeat- thats exactly what i want in an amp!
How good is the Z Wreck - anything like the real thing?
I've been eyeballing one for the last month. :grin I've considered the JR version.
Never played but it definitely seems like my kind of amp.
I will now spend the rest of the weekend trying to convince him to sell it to me haha.
Make It So Star Trek GIF
I’ve only played the real one so I don’t know if the clones are anywhere close to properly replicating the experience.
As some of you guys know I am friends with amp guru Tony Bruno and he often asks me to demo his amps while he experiments with different circuits etc. So yesterday I was helping him dial in a revision of one of his famous amps and I remembered him telling me that he had built a Trainwreck Express clone. He and Ken were friends and Tony knows what a good 'Wreck sounds like. We'll let me tell you friends, plugging a Strat into this amp and turning up the volume was an almost religious experience lol. What a great sounding, warm, thick, juicy, sound. I will now spend the rest of the weekend trying to convince him to sell it to me haha. Killer diller, I woke up thinking about it this morning and I just had to share.
I wanted a Trainwreck amp so much when they were still being made, but couldn't afford one. Now I still want one and you can't even find a used one :cry:. The rare occasion that they pop up they're very expensive.

Speaking of Tony Bruno, he made some amazing amps too. I got one of his Cowtipper heads. It's got the biggest most complex Blackface sound I ever heard!

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The Cowtipper is a great sounding amp as well. Nice fat blackface tones with an expanded frequency response and of course a killer sounding reverb.
I have a Whitney Wrockcrusher which is his version of a Trainwreck. So accurate that they actually came after him for originally using 'wreck' in it's name. It is a spectacular amp, insanely loud with the best gain i've ever heard. If you don't know Mr Whitney, check him out. Former Navy submarine guy.