The Modeler Wars

i love them both too. if i could stop buying random s**t id save up for a fm9 in a heartbeat lol.

i just dont why it always has to be like that for some people. lure me in by asking for my help and then be like well i can do that on the editor on my fractal too so its better.

awesome bro. just fantastic.
Most of the things that irritate the living heck out of me on my FM I WANT to have available on the device. Footswitch config/setup on the device? Holy frigging SLOG. Editors are great. But I want to do it on the damn device itself "in the heat of the moment". No matter what device it is.
i love it when fractal guys look down on line 6 and then when they ask you for help you explain to them how easy what they are trying to do would be on the helix (w no editor software hooked up, just direct on the unit) they lead with how they can do that on their fractal with a laptop on the editor. fantastic bro, i am super happy for you.

Some time ago, John Cordy put up a video mocking Rhett Shull (YouTubers fight, y'all!), after daring to say that Fractal products sound great, but are hell to program.

The hilarious part is watching Cordy fumble repeatedly, while trying to showcase how easy the front panel UI is.
Most of the things that irritate the living heck out of me on my FM I WANT to have available on the device. Footswitch config/setup on the device? Holy frigging SLOG. Editors are great. But I want to do it on the damn device itself "in the heat of the moment". No matter what device it is.

agree. i had a rough go with footswitch config on the ax8 and its so easy on helix so i would have hoped they had made stuff like that easier to do on the actual unit for the newer devices - i really don't want to always be tethered to an external editor. but at the end of the day i just know each has pros and cons and even a dope like me should be able to get good sounds from each because they are all really great by now. its 2023... i dont really wanna get into which one is bast evar type of arguments yanno?
Some time ago, John Cordy put up a video mocking Rhett Shull (YouTubers fight, y'all!), after daring to say that Fractal products sound great, but are hell to program.

The hilarious part is watching Cordy fumbles multiple times, trying to showcase how easy the front panel UI is.

honestly that's what was kinda funny but i didnt point that out to him. i was telling him how quickly it was done on the unit itself which was what he asked my help on, and he was explaining how it could be done using an editor and it sounded like quite a bit more involved, several more steps, sub menus, etc... lol. apples to apples i guess haha.
i love it when fractal guys look down on line 6 and then when they ask you for help you explain to them how easy what they are trying to do would be on the helix (w no editor software hooked up, just direct on the unit) they lead with how they can do that on their fractal with a laptop on the editor. fantastic bro, i am super happy for you.

my brother in christ, that is what i am trying to tell you and you asked me for my help.

Guessing you haven’t watched any of the videos and just started firing from the hip?
At least your avatar is appropriate.
Hawaii Thats Cold GIF by ION