The MIJ Guitar Thread - Let’s See Them!

I'm posting here for me to reference around Christmas time this year.

Heard pretty great things about the Greco copy of the HH tele thinline of the mid-70s on a YouTube channel I appreciate , in particularly noting that the pickups in the Greco have a little more meat to them than the Fenders, which sounds right up my alley.

Longwinded YouTube vid about the thin lines:

Here's an example:
I'd never even heard of Zac Childs until about a week ago. Now I swear to god he's on 15 different YT'er channels. :LOL:
He's been hustling for a good long while. TrueTone's channel is where I first stumbled into him. Like most YouTubers I have a love/hate relationship with him, but he at least focuses on tones, gear, and players that are more in my wheel house than Ola or Pete Thorn.