The mf’ing H90



That might be the most AM BEE ENT throupling I ever saw! :love

Bill Vencil is gonna have to seriously rethink his game.
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The Bouquet Delay is really fun and can do some cool glitch/pitch shift stuff.

I learnt a little while after the pedal released that referenced a really old video I did with my DM-2 to get the behavior right. Pretty cool!
The one bad thing:
What a dumb fuck naming convention and structure tree. User lists, bank lists, programs, presets, algorithms. Ok, I didn’t know there would be a test involved here, but that’s not too bad right? Except none of the shit means what you would conventionally think of them as. A program is basically a “preset” on any other device, but don’t confuse that with what they also call “preset” which is some subsection of “effects” arbitrarily called “algos”. You make it to an Init patch and stumblefuck around asking yourself “how do I add an effect?”…. “Oh yeah, I’ve got to go to the preset library to add an algorithm”

This is why I'm #ForeverFractal. My patience for weird unconventional naming convenience is thin. The Boss SDE-3000EVH about gave me a stroke, and I love that pedal.
I will probably get bashed for saying this, but I tried one recently and wasn't super impressed with it. The effects are cool and it gets some pretty wild sounds, but I felt it sounded artificial/plastic for the lack of a better term. I also didn't think it was very transparent to the original guitar tone.

Maybe my buddy is doing something wrong with his settings because I heard great things about it, but I wanted to be impressed, on paper it would've been perfect for me, and I wasn't. :(
Probably user error.... but still...
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I will probably get bashed for saying this, but I tried one recently and wasn't super impressed with it. The effects are cool and it gets some pretty wild sounds, but I felt it sounded artificial/plastic for the lack of a better term. I also didn't think it was very transparent to the original guitar tone.

Maybe my buddy is doing something wrong with his settings because I heard great things about it, but I wanted to be impressed, on paper it would've been perfect for me, and I wasn't. :(
Probably user error.... but still...
Nope it is exactly like that. I have not liked any pedals from them since the Timefactor. That sounds so much better than the supposed same algorithms in the H9 and H90.
I sent it back, amazing on paper not great in the fx loop.
I will probably get bashed for saying this, but I tried one recently and wasn't super impressed with it. The effects are cool and it gets some pretty wild sounds, but I felt it sounded artificial/plastic for the lack of a better term. I also didn't think it was very transparent to the original guitar tone.

Maybe my buddy is doing something wrong with his settings because I heard great things about it, but I wanted to be impressed, on paper it would've been perfect for me, and I wasn't. :(
Probably user error.... but still...

You're not alone. "Hollow" is the word I'd use to describe the Eventide sound. I just sold my H90 for that reason.
I know it’s not the same but I keep going back to the RV500 and DD 500 , they just sound better.
I love the DD500. Just got one again recently, and there really is something about it. It just sounds good. Very easy to get sounds on too. The only thing I don't like is the oscillation tones. They don't sound good to me, because the DAC starts to clip.

The Plethora X3 is legit amazing though. I'd rather have that than the H90 - having owned both. My Plethora isn't going anywhere!
Nope it is exactly like that. I have not liked any pedals from them since the Timefactor. That sounds so much better than the supposed same algorithms in the H9 and H90.
I sent it back, amazing on paper not great in the fx loop.
I haven't tried the Timefactor yet. My only real experience with Eventide was the H3000 I had in my rack back in the day and it was just amazing. I know it's not fair to compare it to a pedal, but that's the "Eventide sound" in my head, that crystal clear, 3D sound. I was expecting the H90 to capture some of that, but it kind of goes in the opposite direction. The effects are there but the clarity isn't.
I really love my Eventide Micropitch pedal. Never used any of their other products though. For delay I stick with Boss... and everything else Fractal.
I love the DD500. Just got one again recently, and there really is something about it. It just sounds good. Very easy to get sounds on too. The only thing I don't like is the oscillation tones. They don't sound good to me, because the DAC starts to clip.

The Plethora X3 is legit amazing though. I'd rather have that than the H90 - having owned both. My Plethora isn't going anywhere!
The DD500 is one of my favorite delays. I used one until recently but I got a Free The Tone Flight Time that I like better, I think that's the closest I've heard to an old rack delay.

I haven't tried the Plethora yet. I need to check one out.
I like Boss delays and modulations. They are a bit more brash than the FAS stuff but I am good with that. The Boss reverbs I always say I don't generally like but once in awhile I come across something that trips my trigger. L6 stuff all sounds like pedals I don't like the sound of, generally speaking.
I haven't had great experience with Boss Reverbs. Couldn't stand the Boss RV-200. Everything sounded so metallic.
I love the Black hole algos, and I've only used in the plugin realm. :chef

The VP4 though has been amazing. The reverbs alone are more than I'd ever want.
Having all the editing capabilities just makes it sweeter.