The Adrenalinn Fan Club


Have owned all 3 at one time or another. Still have the A/linn 1.

Made some different sounding tracks with it.

I'm hoping that the FM9's sequencer functions can replicate what the A/linn can do. The FM9 waitlist in Australia is significant I think so meanwhile I watch lots of YT vids.

This track must be 10 years old. Various patterned riffs. Apreggiator. A solo by E. Bow. Some 3rd party loops are used. A killer loop at 2:40 that I wish I'd written. Doubled it on bass though I think.

Cool stuff, I’m trying a little to experiment with my HX Stomp to make some “not guitar like” sounds but still using the guitar to do it. To my surprise there a lot in that little box to use for that.
All Adrenalinn 1 except some 3rd party loops dotted here and there. Love extreme chop!

The main riff is Adrenalinn 1. It's basically like the Higher Ground riff but the sequence effect takes it somewhere else. Multiple 3rd party loops too...especially that massive one in the 2nd verse...and the middle 8 is basically a loop.

Fractal joins the Adrenalinn Club.

Here's Frank's latest vid and lo and behold preset 200 at 6:42. One can only hope that preset is choc full with 8 scenes of A/Linn inspired goodness.
