TGF Do Something Challenge Season 8 Poll

What day of week should challenge start/end? (read paragraph 1 below pic before vote, no changes)

  • Sunday

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • Wednesday

    Votes: 5 41.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

ᛗᛜᛜᚺDᛜᎶ Ꮤᛨᚳᚴ

TGF Recording Artist

Happy happy joy joy! Season 8 approacheth! Gather thy weapons of noise creation and assemble your faders to begin submissions on January X, 2025!! And no, I do not mean January 10th ;~)) As you can see, there is a poll for this thread. It asks which day of the week the challenge should start/end on, with only two choices. The ONLY reason this is being asked is because I have a hair up my arse about starting season 8 on January 8th, the 8th day of the year (I mean, why not, right). That however would take us off of the classic start/end day of Sunday. But who really cares? That is what this poll is here to determine and may the best day win! What this means is, Season 8 will either begin on January 8, 2025 (a Wednesday) or January 12, 2025 (a Sunday). The poll is up for only 3 days so vote now or forever hold your peas (or until your eyes turn green)! The season has NOT YET STARTED SO DO NOT SUBMIT ANY ENTRIES TO THIS POST!!!

I am looking forward to the new season, I hope you all are psyched about participating! We have a few new players that we are going to get some action from, and hopefully someone can take on the Champ and give him a run for his strummies! I will certainly be trying, but he is a tough cookie to crumble!

New for this season, we will be doing a category to promote collaboration. We shall call it, wait for it, are your ready, are you sure, ok, here it is, #collab. For those of you who are not good at reading between the lines, that is short for collaboration and we think it would be great to see more of that! A challenge within a challenge if you will ;~)) To encourage participation in this category, entries will earn 1 point for each participant, plus 1 point divided up between the team members. So if there are two people collaborating on a piece, then each member would get 1.5 points for that entry. If 3 members collab, then each participant gets 1.33 points for that entry, etc. The "extra" points here will be counted towards overall challenge winner totals only. The individual categories will not use these partial points, they will only be used in determining the overall challenge Champion. The winner(s) of the #collab category will be the individual who has the most collaboration entries and the runner up will be the one(s) with the second most collaborations with other members.

Once again, we would ask that you put a tag in any post that is an entry, indicating what category it falls into. These will be the same as last Season, with the exception of Deep Space - #deep-space which is getting dropped in favor of #collab. If you are submitting a #collab piece, you will need to put that tag into the post for the entry and also tag (to tag, you put an @ symbol prior to their name with no space) all participant usernames other than yourself. So if FuzzyAce works with Whizzinby, and FuzzyAce submits the entry, he would put in that post, the tag #collab and the tag @Whizzinby along with a link to the song and any associated text/description. There is no need to put other tags into an entry that is #collab, so it can be a hot noodle, a cover song or an original, but if it is a collab, that is the category it is going to be counted in and it does not qualify for any other categories. Here are the other 3 categories with descriptions and the tags to be used with their entries:

Original Song - I think you can wrap your head around what that entails (tag = #original-song), but for those of you who can not, it is not some riff you came up with that you are going to build a song around, it is a song. For riffs and bits and pieces of a song, use the #hot-noodle tag! If you can not play it again, it is most likely not a song but instead, a hot noodle!!!

Cover Song - all or part of it - if you are laying the guitar over a backing track, all good - if you want to recreate the song with all parts from scratch, do it (tag = #cover-song).

Hot Noodles - you stroking your . . . instrument, yeah, that's it, with no clear direction or purpose other than playing/exploring (tag = #hot-noodle).

Tagging this stuff makes my tasks a whole lot easier to count things and double check for accuracy, so please include these tags with any entry (but do not include it if putting up new posts of follow ups, remixes, etc., each "entry" should be tagged only once). The tags MUST include the # as indicated in the boldface descriptions above and spelled as bold displayed above. If something is not properly tagged, it may miss being counted. Let me know if you have any questions either by posting here or PMing me ;~))

General Concepts of the "Do Something Challenge":

1. This is not so much a competition as it is a way to try and motivate people to create and share their musical expressions. Yes, there are "winners" in each category and an overall winner with the most submits (yes, quantity over quality because it is about doing something, not doing it to level X, y or z), but participate just to produce something rather than trying to win (there is no prize other than a "TGF Champion" banner under your avatar and bragging rights).

2. You will need to post your music somewhere. Some of the popular places to do so are soundcloud, audius and youtube. You will then put a link in your submit post on this forum in the week it was created, to guide us to the entry. If you need an assist in figuring out what or how to do that, feel free to post your questions here or PM me, I and others will be happy to help.

3. Each week has it's own post (that ends with the title Week X), so DO NOT SUBMIT AN ENTRY TO THIS POST as this is not a Season 8 week. This is just a introduction and poll post to get the details out of the way. There will be 8 weeks in Season 8!

4. We are looking for NEW material. We are not looking for that song you and your drummer friend put together in 2003 and you remixed it. This is to challenge you to do something new. We also encourage you to do something that is outside your wheelhouse! Although we can not strictly enforce anY of this, we are looking for material that is created and/or completed in the week during which you are entering it. In the case of cover songs, it can be something you have covered for years or never covered before, but it must be a recording that falls within that week's time span to which you are submitting that entry.

5. Be nice! Some here are beginners, others are seasoned professionals and most are somewhere in between. Whatever your level, offer constructive thoughts only when asked for such feedback. Encouragement is the Challenges unwritten middle name, so please abide!

6. Have fun! Submit the good the bad AND the ugly if you see fit (that is what I do)!! Whatever you do, have some fun with all the gear we have and the skills you have developed and/or are currently developing.

7. If you see any mistakes in totals (positive or negative), let me know by any method available.

8. There will be one winner in each category and one runner up. In the case of ties, there could be multiple winners or runners up. There will also be one overall "Challenge Champion" which is the individual with the most points overall.

That is all I can think of for now. If I come across anything else, I will post here. If anyone has suggestions about things to do for the challenge, feel free to chime in, we are doing this based mostly on whims and wishes with a touch of sensibility applied only as necessary ;~)) On the start date, I will set up a new post for Week 1. SO DO NOT SUBMIT ANYTHING TO THIS POST, THE SEASON HAS NOT STARTED YET!!!
Since I get the majority of my work done Friday/Saturday nights I’m definitely going with the Sunday option.
Yeah, I like the Sunday option too.

@ᛗᛜᛜᚺDᛜᎶ Ꮤᛨᚳᚴ
The ONLY reason this is being asked is because I have a hair up my arse about starting season 8 on January 8th, the 8th day of the year (I mean, why not, right).
It still could work with Jan 12th.
38 = 3, 8s
Yeah, I like the Sunday option too.

@ᛗᛜᛜᚺDᛜᎶ Ꮤᛨᚳᚴ

It still could work with Jan 12th.
38 = 3, 8s
You have no idea how many times in my life I have pieced together such logic! Bravo!! Could not have thought it better myself!!!

“So convenient a thing it is to be a reasonable creature, since it enables one to find or make a reason for everything one has a mind to do.” - Ben Franklin (1791)​
Sunday's win, 7 to 5! Thanks to those who voted!! Schedule will be as follows!!!

Season 8
Week 1 - Jan 12 - Jan 18
Week 2 -Jan 19 - Jan25
Week 3 -Jan 26 - Feb 1
Week 4 -Feb 2 - Feb 8
Week 5 -Feb 9 - Feb 15
Week 6 -Feb 16 - Feb 22
Week 7 -Feb 23 - Mar 1
Week 8 -Mar 2 - Mar 8

Submissions for a specific week should happen after 12:00 am GMT on the week's start date and before 11:59pm HT on the week's end date. I do realize that this extends the length of the week by I believe 10 hours, but I think it is for the best ;~))

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