So second time using the badlander with the band tonight. Performed excellently! Last time I was using it with the thiele and I’m not really sure I like the BL with the EVM. I felt like the c90 widebody sounded better with this amp and miced up easier too.
I guess I’m pretty much over the complaints I had about the post fx loop master volumes. Honestly balanced just fine with matching volumes with the settings I had dialed. Also for whatever reason, I feel like the cleans sound more clear and less gritty with more power/volume behind them… lower volumes at home I swear it sounds more broken up on the cleans. I actually noticed this on my old roadster too, but that was more at -super- low volumes
After accepting that for high gain sounds I need to not judge what the knobs look like, even if the settings might resemble what a a 14 year old just discovering insane mode on a spider III might dial in
Crush mode absolutely crushing and this amp sits in a mix incredibly well. That might be another part of the “problems” I’ve had… I feel like wherever the mid focus of the amp sits is definitely made more to play well with others than by itself lol. Did a long chug and doom jam in one of our songs tonight and it was just punishing for that. I know many feel like this amp doesn’t have enough gain on I it’s for the heavies but I didn’t even think to try boosting. Gain on 10 in crush mode at band volumes seemed to performed fine lol
Brought my III back home and think the BL is going to have a tenure for at least a few weeks at my drummers