NAD Crab Marcus

If you guys could share some updates on shipping as your amps progress on their journeyed, I’d be interested. I put in a deposit down for a Benzin a few days ago, and curious how shipping from Ukraine to the US will be during these interesting times.
Yes a Dragon as well, Black tolex and Gold faceplate.

USPS tracking is dookie but I will try to keep it updated. I added it to my informed delivery like 5 times and it's gone every time I go back. I also asked for text updates and I only got the text saying it was added.
If you guys could share some updates on shipping as your amps progress on their journeyed, I’d be interested. I put in a deposit down for a Benzin a few days ago, and curious how shipping from Ukraine to the US will be during these interesting times.
Mine shipped right about 2 months from when I ordered it, but I think there were quite a few people just on this forum alone that started placing orders around that time. With the buzz these amps are getting I'm not sure if they are still keeping up with the 2 month lead times they quoted when I ordered mine. You saw where mine is now, on a boat across the ocean. LOL. I'll post when I have visibility once it gets into the US.
I have a question for those of you that have received your Crab amp. Last tracking I have on mine was from a week ago with nothing since then.
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Did any of you lose visibility at this point of the trip? I’m in the US and thought I would be seeing some more recent updates by now and the delay has me a bit concerned.

What does it show when you click “show status of dispatch track” ? It took a few days to go through customs Germany then was dark a bit before saying it was in the US and that was the last it showed before arriving
As of today it is in the US. Doesn’t say where, but hoping I get it this week! Fingers crossed!

Excellent!!! Yeah there won’t be any further updates til it arrives now that it’s in the Us lol

Also that tone wars video sounded bad lol I wouldn’t take that as indicicative of the amp. Not sure why there’s no good demos out there, my “shootout” clips seem to be the best out there currently despite also being awful :LOL:
USPS finally shows a change this AM.

Second practice with the Marcus tonight. Been away from it for 2 weeks, approaching 10 days on the tail end of some illness that was bad enough that I bailed on practice last week

Suspect my drummer was playing through it as my settings were all jacked up :LOL: (although I have granted him authorization to do so)

Redialed and was sounding great. I will say, I don’t think my Madison 2x12 (creamback/redback combo) are my favorite with this amp but in fairness I feel the same way with any of my real Marks. I just prefer either a c90 or a EVM. None the less still sounded good (mic was on the cream)

Will reiterate I think the sensitivity of the GEQ is the biggest pitfall on these but once you nail it it’s good

Also my first practice with my expanded/excessive pedalboard. SD-1 is just a serious MVP pedal. I know I’ve fluffed up the dirt models on the stomp a lot, but Ngl… a couple analog dirts back in the mix it’s really no contest

SD-1 into the clean channel, and even more so the “r2” mode is just glorious

I have the lead channel really dialed in to excel at “brootz palm muted chug tones” and for distorted leads on top of looped chugs was actually finding myself favoring going back to R2 with the SD-1 on top. Reduced compression plus the boost really was making shit pop

I’m definitely looking to try some nicer tubes in this thing too both power and preamp
The Dragon is 1 stop away, should have it tomorrow if the post office doesn't fuck this up.
I should have known.... still sitting in Denver. Still no delivery date either which is really stupid when it's that close...

Only good thing about the idiots at the USPS is me and the neighbors get together way more often to exchange mail delivered to the wrong house.
