Synergy Owners Thread

After my own mistake with returning the Metroplex module, the Plexi finally arrived. I spent some time with this one and it's a keeper. I still had to set the cathode selector on the lowest setting to control flub, but it's way better than the Metroplex, which really surprised me.

Now I just need to control the urge to buy more modules.
Now I just need to control the urge to buy more modules.

Mothers Day Lol GIF by reactionseditor
I lost control of my GAS ad bought the SLO module. I was lucky enough to find one used for a lot less than retail. OMG! I have never played through an SLO before, and now I am kicking myself for not. My Syn 30 head sounds HUGE with this SLO module. If the Syn 50 had a dedicated clean channel, I would have purchased one of those. But with the Syn 30 and a new pair of Tung Sol 5881s installed, I swear it punches way above its rating by quite a bit.
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I have the OS and IICP modules in my Syn-2. It sounds great, though I prefer the OS. I think I would probably get a second OS to run as lower gain, if I could do it again, as my current OS is ran with quite a bit of gain.
Having had the Friedman IRX for a while - I'm very close to pulling the trigger on a Synergy. I was thinking of going from the Synergy into the return of the IRX for the power amp simulation - has anyone tried this. I've tried the Fractal FM3 preamps this way and I rather liked it.

Alternatively I might purchase a Fryette PS2 for the IRX so I have full analogue system and can then use the self attenuation trick.

Hmm choices.
Have received them today.

I have a couple of questions about iicp.

After a while of it being on, low notes seem a bit crackly. If I then switch it off for a bit and put it back on it seems totally clean on the low notes.

The 80hz slider seems to really jump in response from near the top to all the way at the top.

Is this normal behaviour?
The 80hz slider seems to really jump in response from near the top to all the way at the top.
Yeah it's a common gripe for an module that has a slider on it. It's just such a small area that any movement is going to be sizeable. Kinda hard to fine tune
Yeah it's a common gripe for an module that has a slider on it. It's just such a small area that any movement is going to be sizeable. Kinda hard to fine tune
Thanks, any thoughts on the 1st point regarding low notes being crackly after a period of time?
Have received them today.

I have a couple of questions about iicp.

After a while of it being on, low notes seem a bit crackly. If I then switch it off for a bit and put it back on it seems totally clean on the low notes.

The 80hz slider seems to really jump in response from near the top to all the way at the top.

Is this normal behaviour?

Does the crackly bit go away if you turn down the lead drive? If so, you have the same issue i have. I went through 3 IICP modules from Sweetwater and a few phone calls with BAD tech support. It appears to be a problem with the module running very hot and the lead drive eventually bleeds into the clean channel. The only way I've found around it was to run the IICP in a SYN2 racked with open space above and below. The SYN1 is especially problematic as the input tube is located right below the module slot. Extra heat and no way to add ventilation.
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Does the crackly bit go away if you turn down the lead drive? If so, you have the same issue i have. I went through 3 IICP modules from Sweetwater and a few phone calls with BAD tech support. It appears to be a problem with the module running very hot and the lead drive eventually bleeds into the clean channel. The only way I've found around it was to run the IICP in a SYN2 racked with open space above and below. The SYN1 is especially problematic as the input tube is located right below the module slot. Extra heat and no way to add ventilation.
No it doesn't - I saw that video and that was my first thing to try - I'm going to send it back as I'm in my 14 day period and will prob get another module.

Just as a quick summary

I've run both modules into the return of the Friedman IRX for the power amp simulation and then into a FM3 dynacab and the feel is good but I think the EQ/impedance curve is tailored specifically for the Friedman as I have to reduce the bass and bump the treble on both synergy units (the Friedman IRX sounds great with the FM3)

I then tried the synergy with tubepre of the FM3 and that did sound better which maybe is due to the match impedance curve with the Dynacab. I'm not opposed to using the tubepre on the FM3 for power amp simulation but it makes me thinking why not just use the amp modelling and there is slightly more latency.

Having said that when comparing the synergy module to the Fractal fryette model I much preferred the Synergy and was very easy to dial in.

I am tempted to get the fryette powerstation and then it would be all analog system.