Really want to grab one. Quick question: I saw the pics on Facebook and looked at the product page on the site; does the ReactIR II still have the "Spectrum Match" feature the previous units had? I found it very useful.
Had some time today to shoot some sweeps into my Ceriatone King Kong 100W with some of these loads attached. Thing is, for one thing to come in, one's gotta go out: just sold my MOTU M4 today and I had to use the Quad Cortex as the audio interface which forced me to measure the Suhr using the DI (unbalanced) output. I'll probably re-run tests after I get another audio interface just for the kicks.
Here they are:
When plotting the response of the Mesa 2x12 and the Mesa 4x12 cabs, I used the Through port on the ReactIR2 so, the:
- Mesa 4x12
- Mesa 2x12
- ReactIR2 with the Mode pushed IN
- ReactIR2 with the Mode pushed OUT
all use the same I/O (that of the React:IR 2 DI balanced OUT).
These were graphed using a -60dB sweep (sweep generated from the ReactIR2 Tone Matcher module). Shooting another round with a louder -30dB signal.
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