St.Rock ReactIR 2 now available! (frequency response graphs included)

Ran the Suhr Reactive Load into the THRU port of the React:IR II and used REW's measurement feature to plot their frequency response:

The Suhr has a slightly higher low resonance bump but overall very similar to the React:IR with the MODE button pushed OUT.
For the folks that have the React:IR II and want to get the unit to sound / feel even closer to a Mesa 4x12 OS Straight cab, you can try the following in the EQ block.

While having a "corrective" IR that covers the delta between the React:IR II's load and your Amp + Cab combination, the EQ gets very close, also works well when using the React:IR II with other amps & frees up the IR block within the unit so that you can freely & quickly swap IRs.

Peak 1dB @ 100 Hz, Q = 3
Peak 1dB @ 613 Hz, Q = 12
Peak 1dB @ 613 Hz, Q = 0.2


This is how the frequency response with the EQ engaged looks like when hooked to my Ceriatone Chupacabra 50W (I can confirm the same holds true for my other 2 amps):

Purple = Mesa 4x12 OS Straight
Orange = React:IR II Mode "IN" with the EQ engaged


This is how the React:IR II looks like with the Mode IN and OUT compared to the same cab & amp head but with the EQ disabled:

Purple = Mesa 4x12 OS Straight
Blue = React:IR II with MODE "In"
Green = React:IR II with MODE "Out"
