So Boss amp modeling…

Necro bump.

Soooo… I had a chance to try out the boss IRs linked earlier in the thread (a year late). Umm is it just me or looking at an RTA the 1x8, 1x10, etc flat mic cabs look pretty much like a generic EQ cab that you can generate with a parametric or graphic EQ with low/high cuts baked in? Like the Cooper Carter trick from here:

Not sure about the details but I can tell you that for years, the GT-1000 has been the only modeler I could use without importing IRs. The stock cabs are incredibly good, whatever they may be. doing
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"something in the style of something else, but actually a bit shit, and unfalsifiable, because we barely deign to give you any information that might give you an idea of how the fuck you should be using this thing in the first place, coz fuck you, you fucking fuck you"

Kinda like that?a

Yeah like when you buy a Mesa boogie and the manual tells you how to make it sound like a plexi😂
This is like when a millenial finds an old dial phone at an estate sale and realizes you can still make calls with it.

Who didn't have an Alesis 31-band EQ and compressor so they could play guitar through their hifi?

This is how we did it pre-POD. Whats old is new.
15 years before the POD was born I bought one of these from Yamaha.

And now it seems what is new is trying to catch up to what is old. Amp simulation has surpassed the old but form factor is just beginning to return to optimal.

Boss is about to introduce a new product sort of a partner to the GM 800 only focused on guitar ‘modeling’ GK5 hex pick up driven I believe. I’m hoping they up the amp sims as part of that as well as the tunings and guitar characteristics. But hoping Boss does something I think is great is always a one step forward two steps ‘missed’. Make me wrong this time Boss!
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