Seventh New Behringer Pedal Release šŸ˜Ž

Maybe so, but itā€™s still a solid point. Where and why do you draw the line?

Answering that can be very illuminating.

Well in this pedal and the effects based section of a guitar forum we're discussing some dodgy behaviour from a large pedal company and not the bias of US courts, the death penalty, international laws on warfare or the constitution.

There's a pretty clear line there.
So scale is where we draw the line? 50 folks killed is ok. But 500? Letā€™s make a post and condemn it!

Will you stop with bullshit arguments like that.

The motte-and-bailey fallacy is a form of argument and an informal fallacy where an arguer conflates two positions that share similarities: one modest and easy to defend and one much more controversial and harder to defend
Will you stop with bullshit arguments like that.

The motte-and-bailey fallacy is a form of argument and an informal fallacy where an arguer conflates two positions that share similarities: one modest and easy to defend and one much more controversial and harder to defend
denzel washington GIF
Yes, there are bigger issues, the courts are broken, among issues with everything else in your post. Objecting to one shitty thing isn't mutually exclusive to objecting to larger systemic shitty issues. Wtf kind of world view are you proposing here?

still waiting for the hypocrisy

Also that bolded part is sus at best.
I didnā€™t mean to bold anything and I donā€™t see that you did on my endā€¦ so I canā€™t respond to that.

As far as a world view that I am proposingā€¦ Iā€™m not proposing anything as I donā€™t have all of the answers. But I am proposing that folks should think a bit differently and carefully about why they feel that Behringer should be singled out for violating some commonly understood code. They shouldnā€™t IMO. Free market competition, laws of the land, supply and demand and all that BS. Itā€™s law of the jungle babyā€¦ look around and see that writ large. Those waking up to realize this and decry it have been asleep.

Itā€™s always been that way propaganda aside. This is not a nice place. Itā€™s a profitable one for those that play it well. Hate on the player all you want. I hate thatā€™s how the real world works too. But thatā€™s how it doesā€¦ so give me a steak from the Matrix.
No they're still wrong too but it's the scale in that case. A street lever dealer isn't the same problem as a wholesale importer.

But you already know that and are just throwing up any old stuff to muddy the waters.
So let the little ones slide.
Let judges sort it out. Itā€™s what they do. If itā€™s a matter of money being spent on representation we have a much bigger problem folks should be concerned about over pedalsā€¦ buying justice with money. Happens all the time. Imagine that if you are facing a death penalty! Yet folks want to pretend Behringer is an evil that must be confronted! Why doing nothing else. It pretentious and shallow. Rigger Please.

Letā€™s start ignoring international laws on warfare, ignore the constitution, and let who knows who do whatever the fuck they want and focus on the evil-doers at Behringer! Sounds about right to me. They must be stopped by any means necessary whether legal or not!
So, we can't be upset for both at the same time, especially since they're completely unrelated? What a dumb stance.
I try things and typically pass on them and buy the original. Because I can. Many across the world canā€™t because of one reason or another. Often because of wealth inequity. The entire system is broken. Kudos to those that offer an alternative that allows those affected to create.
Guitar pedals aren't a basic human necessity. It's not even like access to the Internet. Don't make it out to be Behringer/DemonFX helping out the poor and needy.
The Friedman Plex. Where are your posts about David Friedman creating a copy and selling it? Or is this somehow magically different?

It truly isnā€™t except for his isnā€™t cheaper. You might argue differences in quality but good luck with that. Following that argument, if it sounds betterā€¦ itā€™s ok. If it sounds similar and is cheaperā€¦ thatā€™s theft.
I bitch about Friedman being a fraud all the time. Dude doesn't have an original bone in his body.
Apparently calling out people for not returning their shopping cart is pretentious and shallow, because innocent people are dying in the middle east

or something?

Truthfully I dont follow the point trying to be made
Just vote with your wallet. Iā€™m not going to change anything. Nuc warhead launcher specialist. I learned that long ago. My bad.
I don't think anyone needs cheap Behringer or Warm knock offs badly enough to justify it. And there's no need for either company to tread as closely to the original look and designs of other products. I think its perfectly possible to clearly imply what it is without needing to just lazily copy every last detail. Others do it too, and its scummy.

Its frustrating because both companies also make perfectly good products.

The Friedman Plex. Where are your posts about David Friedman creating a copy and selling it? Or is this somehow magically different?
Is Friedman undercutting Marshall? Pretty sure if youā€™re in the market for a Plexi, youā€™re not going to buy a Friedman for the same reason youā€™d get some knockoff Behringer pedal (where the price is seriously undercutting the original while unashamedly using the originals likeness to sell). Using the brands likeness but using the absolute cheapest level of components is deceptive to the customer who is being tricked into thinking theyā€™re getting a comparable product to the original.

A huge factor is the financial power companies like Behringer have that donā€™t give the original companies any footing to stop them.

Moaning about a Plexi circuit is like complaining about a baker using a recipe for bread. Probably harder to name an amp company that wasnā€™t started by someone who made their name modding Marshalls before doing their own thing.
All the Behringer stuff I have had the misfortune of using or trying over the years has been either poorly built and a step down over the other copies or total garbage. The rack stuff is universally shit.
All the Behringer stuff I have had the misfortune of using or trying over the years has been either poorly built and a step down over the other copies or total garbage. The rack stuff is universally shit.
I've had a Powerplay headphone amp work everyday I've asked it to for the last 28 years. Other than some SM57's... possibly the best $100ish I've ever spent.

One cavaet... nobody knows what's driving their headphones. Tis (WAS) my dark, dirty secret.

But on a whole... I would tend to agree with you.
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Uli is FAR from alone.

Berhinger IS the easy dog to kick, though.
How many employees do each company have? How many businesses have each of these companies run into the ground? Which of these companies drag others into expensive court battles knowing they can outmuscle whoever they like?

Iā€™m not saying I agree with Stam or Audioscape products or marketing style but theyā€™re quite clearly not a company on the scale of Behringer.