Ritchie Blackmore Tones

la szum

TGF Recording Artist
Trying to get outside of my comfort zone and progress my playing a bit beyond my default tendencies.

Enter Ritchie Blackmore. I love the tones---especially the lead tones---on the live recording below. I
thought it would be fun to try and get close to them using my Fractal FM3. But you know what? Not a
lot of love for ol' Ritchie in the Fractalverse it seems. :(

Maybe someone like @2112 Leon Todd has gone there before and I don't know it. :idk

I know there is no Marshall Major in the Fractal lineup so I am starting with the Plexi 100w, and
thinking a tape-style preamp in front. Wasn't it a TEAC Reel-to-Reel in front goosing his amps??
You can see it in some of the footage.

I am not exactly getting close, though.

Any thoughts/ideas/tips would be greatly appreciated. :beer

Thanks, Tom. Great article. :beer

Trying to find out how much of his rig/tone changed between that time period with Purple
and the Dio-era Rainbow.
I'm sure you know this, but for the sake of this being a forum and all...

We were doing Smoke On The Water, and I didn't have a spot-on Blackmore tone, but I made an effort. It was enough for me to just back off the high-gain stuff I love, and overuse, and use a more mid-focused PU combination on my PRS.

Well we're rehearsing one night, and it was magical in that when the keys came in, along with the bass and the snare hits, it was THERE! I got goose chills. It actually sounded very close!

That video is the studio version over live footage :giggle:

But yeah RB's tone is awesome!

Love his tone here:

He's got an unique way of playing sometimes. Like the Smoke on the Water riff, played with fingers and on the E and A strings starting on the 10th fret, quite a different sound from starting with open D and G .
Shouldn't be too hard getting some good Blackmore tones from your Axe
Yeah I dig that era of Rainbow. Blackmore is certainly one the greats in my opinion. Best of luck dialing that in!!!
ritchie blackmore GIF
Tape Echo in front of amp. Sounds like Ritchie left it always on live so you would get repeats
and then
That video is the studio version over live footage :giggle:

But yeah RB's tone is awesome!

Love his tone here:

He's got an unique way of playing sometimes. Like the Smoke on the Water riff, played with fingers and on the E and A strings starting on the 10th fret, quite a different sound from starting with open D and G .
Shouldn't be too hard getting some good Blackmore tones from your Axe

Thanks, Blix. I am watching the 1977 show on Youtube now. Appreciate the clarification. :beer
I'm sure you know this, but for the sake of this being a forum and all...

We were doing Smoke On The Water, and I didn't have a spot-on Blackmore tone, but I made an effort. It was enough for me to just back off the high-gain stuff I love, and overuse, and use a more mid-focused PU combination on my PRS.

Well we're rehearsing one night, and it was magical in that when the keys came in, along with the bass and the snare hits, it was THERE! I got goose chills. It actually sounded very close!


Damn! That's awesome, Tom. :rawk

Those are the kinds of playing experiences that stay with you forever, aren't they?

I may have a new situation opening up, so I am trying to work on some new material
to bring to it, if it happens. #fingerscrossed.
Wasn't it a TEAC Reel-to-Reel in front goosing his amps??
You can see it in some of the footage.
Yes he often used a reel to reel
Glen has a Helix/HX Stomp Patch which sounds very nice

this patch also not too bad im sure could be good as a base and then tweak it up

this one as well

Yes I know they are not Fractal patch But i can easily download the patches and and i could share the Chain/gear/settings, maybe you could port/copy the gear /setting to get a good base going

PS this guy has a great Insight on RB tone

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I was going to joke that I couldn't get close without a scalloped neck Strat.

I am sure a lot of that wiry tone of his is due to how wiry a scalloped necked
guitar is. If I need to buy a guitar to get close then I ain't gonna get close. :LOL:
Wasn't Ritchie boosting his amps with both the Tape Pre in the Aiwa and a Treble Booster, though? :idk
You play differently on them . Some things are way easier and it definitely makes you play differently. I’ve kept a scalloped strat for 30 years ( different ones) this one is a Mexican Richie signature that I refretted with stainless 6000 size. I hate vintage size frets even when scalloped.
They also really test the durability of your callouses, as I recall.
Not when you get used to it. That is just pressing too hard and if anything they allow you to press as lightly as possible and still get the best grip. This is the best part about it but you need to play one regularly to take advantage of it.
Not when you get used to it. That is just pressing too hard and if anything they allow you to press as lightly as possible and still get the best grip. This is the best part about it but you need to play one regularly to take advantage of it.
I know I'd love to try one!