Quad Cortex Neural Captures - Mesa Boogie Badlander Rectifier 100W EL34


I did a few Neural Captures of the Mesa Boogie Badlander Rectifier 100W EL34.

I used the St.Rock React:IR II but with my Mesa 2x12 and Mesa 4x12 Oversized cabs in the "Through" port to get that juicy AMP <-> CAB interaction.

They cover my own settings as well as Ola Englund's settings from his "Starzinger" video he did a tone showcase on a while back.

Here's one link:

You'll find the rest under my Cortex Cloud account.
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I don’t have neural hardware but am sure these are amazing.
You can use NAM ! https://thegearforum.com/threads/some-nam-profiles-for-yall.6488/page-2#post-278165

I'm training (like, in this very moment) the same settings of the amps I pushed to the Cortex Cloud with the amp hooked up to the real cabs I own. About 6 profiles in total but I'm training them twice:

- once with the STANDARD profile architecture that comes with NAM by default (gets already excellent results)

- a second time with an architecture I've settled on (for now) after having experimented for about 2 months now. These re-trained profiles have 355 kB in size (vs the 290 kB the Standard ones have), eats up a smidge more RT-CPU (not obscene amounts) but gets even closer to the real gear
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One of the most exciting aspects of profiling tech is sharing amps you love with other people.

It’s awesome that you do this. Thanks for giving to the community. I don’t have neural hardware but am sure these are amazing.
100% Thanks @2dor nice to have these on the QC which I prefer to NAM or ToneX for captures. Super generous for you to share.